“Well, I...” Noah was right. We were far too old to play coy. He was obviously a virile male, and with my age, I should’ve had more experience. The problem was that I didn’t. I met Cade early on in college, and he had been my first lover. To this day, he had been my only one, too. “I’m very attracted to you, too.”
There. I said it, and now my cheeks heated as the color rose in them. My breath hitched in my throat, especially when he trapped my hand between his. There was a certain electricity in his touch, and I closed my eyes. It wasn’t in shame, but rather in arousal as I imagined being in bed with him. So many weeks had passed and the most action I’d seen had been of the battery operated kind. I only had to say one word to have tonight end differently. All the things I had been picturing when fantasizingabout this very man could all become reality. It was likely a mistake, but everyone deserved to make a few of them in their lifetime.
“It’s been so long,” I murmured, my voice laced with embarrassment.
He ran his thumb over my knuckles before raising my hand to his mouth and placing a chaste kiss atop it. “Even more reason to eat dinner with me tonight. If it leads to more, then great, but if it doesn’t...”
“If it doesn’t?” I asked him after he stopped mid-sentence.
Noah smirked. “I up my game, and try harder next time.”
Hearing him allude to sex with me in the same sentence that he mentioned talking game should’ve had me ready to eat and end this evening, but I wondered how different flirting had gotten over the years. When I had first gotten with Cade, we were both on equal footing, and a few drinks at a frat party had led to us going to bed with one another for the first time. I was athletic at the time, and there were no regrets about my body, but there would be now. I wasn’t nearly as toned as I once had been, nor did I have the same flawless skin, either. Not to mention the stamina. Noah was a world-class athlete, and could likely go all night. I bit my lip to hold back my moan. The very thought of him fucking me to the edge and keeping me there made me even more aroused.
“You’ve gotten a raw deal with Cade. While I can’t promise to make all the pain go away, I can fuck you so hard that you think of only me for the next few days.”
I opened my mouth to respond and actually choked on air. “I don’t want it to go away.”
And I didn’t. I needed to remember Cade for the two-timing lothario that he was, so I wouldn’t experience any moments of weakness and try to reconcile with him. He had hurt me so badly our relationship could never be repaired. The sting of his betrayal was like a lifeline, and when I looked at Noah, there was no question he understood why I had said that.
“A woman like you deserves to be cherished, and if you’ll eat, we can revisit this conversation over dessert.”
I nodded, then verbally responded. “Okay.”
I slipped my hand out from between his and grabbed my fork. Turning my attention away from him, I looked down at the plate which would rival what one would find at any of the fine dining restaurants I used to frequent with Cade back when things were good between us. Those expensive dinners, the multitude of flowers, and abundance of jewelry hadn’t been a token of his love, but rather his guilt. There were no such ulterior motives when it came to Noah.
“Everything really does look delicious,” I told him when I finally raised my gaze back to his.
He stared at my lips, especially when I used my tongue to moisten my bottom one. His eyes then dropped down to my cleavage-baring dress. As he leisurely stared, my nipples hardened to stiff peaks, and my core tightened in anticipation of having his warm mouth on them. I stopped focusing on what he was doing, and I used my fork to push the lobster tail off of the piece of steak.
“I never knew you could cook,” I said. Usually things like this got out in high society. His culinary skills would only make him even more appealing to the masses.
“I have a lot of hidden talents,” he responded, then winked before turning his attention to his own plate.
“I’m sure you do,” I said, then grew quiet as the two of us started to eat.
A half hour later, I had eaten most of the lobster, but only a small portion of the steak. He still seemed hungry so by the time I pushed my plate away, I offered him the rest of the filet mignon, as well as the practically untouched baked potato. As he finished them off, I got up to start clearing the table. I had managed to load the dishwasher right as he joined me in the kitchen.
“Did you pick up the items I asked for from the store?” He asked me as he came up behind me.
“Yes,” I responded, then remembered the various items he had asked for. At the time, the list seemed innocent enough, but now the air between us crackled with something unexplainable, and it made me shiver. “Is that what you’re making for dessert?” I finally asked to break the tension, even though in hindsight, it was a stupid question.
“It is what I had planned,” he told me, and I arched my brow.
“I can’t believe you can bake, too.” The way he put ‘plan’ in the past tense made me think he now had another idea in mind, and it only made my pulse quicken more.
“I can bake a few things, but don’t be too impressed. My baking repertoire isn’t quite as extensive as my cooking one.”
“Well, I still have everything in the refrigerator,” I told him, then opened the door to retrieve the items.
Noah followed me, and his erection against my ass nearly made me moan out loud. I knew where this night was headed, and aforeign type of excitement filled me. I had never known a lover outside of Cade, but tonight, I would be the student and the younger lover would be my teacher. It was all very erotic, and a bit disorientating as well.
I raised back up, then handed him the bag. He took it, then moved over to the island. “Will you get me a plate?”
I nodded, then retrieved one of the smaller serving platters. Noah soon had the strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries laid out. My mouth was now salivating for more reasons than one.
He looked at the fruit, then me, before picking a strawberry up. He brought it to my mouth. “Have a taste.”
I opened my mouth, and it wasn’t lost on me that this was the first time a man had ever fed me anything other than Cade stuffing a piece of our wedding cake into my mouth years earlier. Noah slid the piece of fruit between my lips, but didn’t immediately move his fingers causing me to close my mouth down on them. It was such a subtle thing, but I became more daring. I would later blame it on the wine we drank with our meal, so before he could pull them away, I sucked them farther into my mouth.