Julia Spence was obviously the sort of person who had minions. Those minions likely had their own minions. If he was lucky, he might get to deal with an unpaid intern. If this was howthe fashion industry was going to treat him, he was going to have to grow a thick skin and fast.
The woman’s haughty gaze and uber posh voice left him in no doubt as to her opinion of other people’s minions.
“You do know the theme for this year’s event is Cinderella in the City. All you have to do is interpret that in whatever way you like, and make the organizers happy. Which means making sure your part of the exhibition space doesn’t feel like an empty warehouse, more like a modern fairy tale palace.”
She glanced at the tablet in her hands. “There will be a black dividing curtain between your space and the main runway which Jilly G has booked after your show. And your little show must, I repeat,mustfinish on time.”
Once again Ryan had to fight back his protective urge to take a hold of Camille’s hand and give her his assurances that they would find a way for her to go to the ball.
I don’t care how many pumpkins and magic slippers it takes.
“Yes of course,” replied Camille. Not only were they expecting her to present her new collection, but she had to put on a full runway show. And it couldn’t goa minute over time.
This is going to cost a ton of work and cash.
When the director of runway shows went to press a large black folder into Camille’s hands, Ryan stepped forward and took the binder instead. “Do you have a team member who I can liaise with to handle any questions Ms. Royal might have?” he asked.
If the idea of acting all superior toward Camille and Ryan was part of some plan to intimidate them, Ryan wasn’t having a bar of it. He might not have worked a fashion show before, but he’d had a brief time in show business and knew that power hungry assholes crossed all career lines.
This isn’t my first time in dealing with the likes of you.
“Everything is in the guide book,” sniffed the director. She turned on her sharp heel and waved her hand imperiously at the space. “You now have twenty minutes to take photos, and walk around the venue. I will expect to see your preliminary designs and concept art by the end of July, along with your booking fee.”
She looked down her nose at Camille once more, then let out a slow, world weary breath. “Though I expect the money won’t be any sort of problem for your family, Ms. Royal.”
This woman is a 110% self-important bitch.
Ryan gritted his teeth. He could just imagine what people like Julia Spence thought of Camille. Spoilt French heiress, coming over here trying to tell New Yorkers how to do fashion.
Despite Camille’s many privileges she didn’t deserve anyone’s resentment or cruel jealousy because of it.
His heart swelled with pride as Camille calmly replied. “Thank you. I have already transferred the booking fee from the Camille Royal Designs company bank account. You should seemymoney cleared by the end of today.”
She wasn’t going to be cowered by the likes of the haughty Ms. Spence, who simply gave a brief nod and then made her exit.
Well done, Camille.
As soon as the event director had gone, Camille turned to Ryan. In a voice that shook with rage, she said. “I have worked so hard for this, and the booking fee is money I earned from the sale of my collections. I hate the inference that none of my success belongs to me, that my family bought it all.”
Ryan could tell that in standing up to Julia Spence, Camille’s pride had been bruised. Camille was nothing if not a fighter, but at the moment she just needed a little support from him.
He carefully handed Camille the black folder and iPad. “We only have twenty minutes here, so could you please put these in your tote bag? If you want to wander around and take a closerlook at the exhibition space, I’ll spend my time taking photos. How does that sound?”
She gave him a grateful look, and replied, “Yes. That would be great. You are a lifesaver, Ryan.”
“Just doing my job.”
He wanted to say something to Camille about the director and the way she had treated them, but he held his tongue. The last thing he wanted was for his boss to feel like he, her temporary PA who had no fashion industry experience, was patronizing her. This was Camille’s world, and she had made it this far without some guy deciding she needed a knight in shining armor to come and save her.
Leaving Camille with her thoughts, Ryan took out his brand new cell phone and walked around the event space snapping off several dozen pictures. Once they had the images, Camille could then take her time to decide how she wanted to create her show.
She didn’t need him to come riding in on his white charger, but Camille’s creative well had to be kept safe. This morning, he’d seen the first of the sharp claws from the fashion world, and had taken an instant and hard dislike to them. Between now and the day of the runway show, he would be her shadow. His own dream was still in the making, but in the meantime, he’d do anything to protect hers.
Camille was thrilled with the photos Ryan had taken. He had an eye for light and depth. On their way home they dropped by an office supply store and had the pictures printed out on large glossy paper. Back at the design studio, after a shared lunch of fresh roast chicken and salad, they pinned the images on the wall to the left of the chaise longue.
“Now I can see the runway space,” she said, stepping back from the photos and taking a long look.