Page 73 of The Medici Return

He turned his head around and saw the Dragon jockey, the face set in hard determination. The man squeezed his calves into the horse and clicked for them both to race forward. The horse leaped ahead and this time there was no retreat.

The rope dropped.

He and the other jockeys spurred their mounts and all ten horses shot forward in a cloud of dust, hooves thundering, horse ears pointed ahead. He leaned his body forward and spurred Leone to run faster. He was careful not to lean too far, as that could cause the horse to stumble. Balance was the name of the game. The Tortoise and Panther jockeys kept their mounts close, not allowing him to escape their embrace. All the other horses bunched as they approached the first turn.

The Porcupine in the lead.

And moving away.

THOMAS FOLLOWEDMALONE IN THE RIFLE SCOPE, PRACTICING KEEPINGthe American in the crosshairs. He could take the shot now.

But did not.

Instead he followed his target and simulated pulling the trigger, getting a feel for things.

Ready for the second lap.

COTTON GRIPPED THE REINS, HOLDING TIGHT AS THE HORSES MADEthe second turn, known as San Martino, a descending curve. He was careful not to grip his thighs too tight, as that would signal for Leone to slow down. He needed the opposite. More speed. He could feel Leon’s heartbeat pounding through his calves.

Stay relaxed.

Leone’s generous gallop kept steady.

The Porcupine was slipping away.

But the Panthers and Tortoise were staying right with him. The Tortoise jockey reached across and smacked him on the right shoulder with his crop.

Which hurt.

Another blow.

This time to the side of his face.


He yanked on the reins and brought Leone into contact with the Tortoise’s horse. The other jockey seemed undaunted and tossed over a few more blows with the crop.

Enough of that.

He pulled on the reins and popped his thighs against Leone. The horse responded and increased her gait. They pulled away from his two minders and headed for the Porcupine.

JASON’S ATTENTION ALTERNATED BETWEEN THE RACE ANDASCOLANI, who stood stolid among the Porcupines. Everyone else was cheering the riders along at a furious pace, arms waving, voices loud. But the cardinal remained dispassionate, like a statue. As did Camilla, who stood beside Jason, with the othercapitanistanding in front of them.

“I told him to wait until lap two,” she whispered. “Then make a move.”

The roar from the crowd was deafening, everyone’s attention on the race as the horses entered the third turn.

The most treacherous.

It had a name too, as Camilla had informed him. Casato. Which ascended slightly at a nearly right angle. Tough to navigate at a full run for a horse and rider. A lot of injuries and some deaths had occurred there. So many that the outer wall was cushioned to break any fall. He’d not liked the sound of that when she’d explained the race to him and Malone. Now, watching a thunderous pack of horses and riders make the sharp swing, he could see just how tricky that turn could be.

But they all made it around, the horses now on a straight part of the track that went down, then up to the final turn toward the finish line.

He kept an eye on Ascolani.

Who was glancing back over his left shoulder, away from the action, toward the buildings that lined the campo.

What was that devil thinking?