Page 65 of The Medici Return

Stamm shrugged. “There was no way to confirm or deny. History says he died of malaria. But I like the story of the murderous monks better.”

Two pieces of pizza were plenty, but the wine he would continue to savor. “There has to be a good reason why you have come here from Rome, summoned me from Siena, then related this fascinating story.”

“Along with Henry VII other bones have been freed from their graves and studied,” Stamm said.

He waited for more.

“I received a call earlier from a close friend, a bishop assigned to the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence. Last night Eric Casaburi made his way into the Medici crypt and opened the grave of Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici. He came with a renowned DNA expert who extracted a sample for testing.”

He instantly recalled what Casaburi had told him.

“You have DNA evidence of your ancestry?”

“I do, and DNA evidence does not lie.”

“You will have to prove all of that.”

“I will.”

“Anna Maria was the last legitimate royal Medici heir,” Stamm said. “Or at least that is what history notes.”

“Casaburi is obviously trying to establish a connection to her.”

“Clearly. Which is both disturbing and fascinating. He is currently in the village of Varallo, where he grew up,” Stamm said. “His parents are dead, but his grandmother is still alive. She livesthere in his childhood home. All her life she spoke of being a Medici. No one ever paid her any mind.”

“And you would have dismissed all that as fantasy too. Until tonight.”

Stamm lifted his own wineglass and gestured. “Precisely.”

“Are you watching Casaburi?”

Stamm finished his wine. “Quite closely.”

“More wine,” Jason said, motioning that he would pour.

His friend waved the offer off. “Lucky for you there are lots of people still loyal to me.”

“You have your own private Entity?”

“Something like that.”

He was grateful for his friend’s foresight and efforts. It was good to have him on his side.

Stamm reached down and brought up a small cardboard box, sealed with tape. “Please give this to Malone. He asked for it.”

“Do I want to know what that is?”

The older man shrugged. “I do not see why you should. I hear that Malone will be riding in the Palio tomorrow.”

He nodded. “I am glad it is him and not me.”

“It is important he do as Camilla wants.”

“He gets that.” But he was still bothered by another point. “Do you think Casaburi is actually a Medici?”

“Many Medici were left after Anna Maria died in 1743, from the two other branches of the family. But they were not of the royal line. That went extinct. Casaburi came to you and specifically mentioned the Pledge of Christ and the fact that only a legitimate Medici could call the debt. I am assuming he was not bluffing and knows more than we do. He would not have risked going into that tomb unless he was reasonably sure. But it seems the real question for Eric Casaburi is not whether he is Medici. There are countless of those around from those other two branches. No. He has to prove that he is alegitimateroyal Medici heir.”

“How could he do that?”