Maybe he should drive to Siena.
He left the archives and retreated into the warm morning. Piazza di Santa Croce was nearly back to normal after the Calcio Storico, the last of the sand for the ball field being hauled away.
His phone vibrated.
He did not recognize the number but answered anyway. It might be Camilla Baines again.
“Signor Casaburi.”
A male voice. His senses went to full alert.
“I understand you gave Cardinal Richter until tomorrow to provide you an answer. I have one now.”
“Who is this?”
“The person who can deliver what you want.”
“How did you find me?”
“Is that important?”
“Actually, it is.”
“Your office in Rome provided the number.”
Now he was even more suspicious. But he wanted to know, “What is your answer?”
“That all depends on you.”
COTTON WAS WORKING A PLAN THAT HE WAS MAKING UP AS THEYwent. Stephanie had managed to locate Eric Casaburi through a cell phone track that led them to the Basilica di Santa Croce. He stood within the Pazzi Chapel adjacent to the basilica. Impressive place. Above the altar he studied the famed astrological fresco, or at least what was left of it. He knew the story that there was an identical one in the Medici Chapel—the same star configuration on the same night, July 4, 1442.
Richter had told him all about Casaburi, who sounded like an opportunist politician trying to find the fastest way to power for himself and his party. Richter also explained that people tried all the time to get the church to help with elections. Nothing new there. But few tried to actually blackmail the Vatican. This man had played with fire.
His phone dinged.
“Casaburi’s phone is near you,” she said. “He’s headed away.”
“And Ascolani?”
“He is near the Duomo and he just called Casaburi.”
“Casaburi’s moving toward Ascolani?”
“It seems that way.”
“Looks like they’re doing our work for us.” Then he asked the main question. “Where is Dewberry?”
Stamm had been good to his word and made contact with Thomas Dewberry’s intermediary, Bartolomé.
“I explained that Thomas was about to meet his fate and he had a choice to make. He could join him or not. Of course, he pointed out that I was the one to hire him in the first place. I assured him that was not the issue. Instead, the issue was how loyal he was going to be.”
And like most co-conspirators, Bartolomé sold out his benefactor, providing a cell phone number where Dewberry could be reached. But they also learned that Ascolani had provided Dewberry with a burner phone for direct communication between thetwo. There was no way to learn that number, but they could track Dewberry’s personal phone.
“He’s there,” Stephanie said. “Near the Duomo too. You think he will try to kill Casaburi?”
“I certainly hope so.”