Would she still be impressed if she knew he was hired to prove she was a murderer?

He cringed at the thought of this woman being a murderer. He barely knew her and shouldn’t be wanting to proclaim her innocence already. A million dollars would go down the drain if she, or someone else, hadn’t murdered those men. Was it morbid that he wanted her boyfriend’s deaths to not be accidents? Definitely, but it barely tipped the scale of morbidity for retired cops.

“Not as impressed as I am,” she returned, her jade eyes penetrating his very soul. Luckily, he was a brick wall; she wouldn’t see the truth. Throughout his years as a detective, he’d been trained in the most painful and humiliating ways to make sure he didn’t break, and he never had. He had scars to prove it. He might not be an expert on an undercover job like this, but he did have skills and experience in police work.

“Aiden Porter’s security operative,” she continued. “You’re like a Jason Bourne or James Bond. Lincoln is going to be stoked to meet you.”

“I’m nothing special,” he deflected, though he liked to think of himself as a Jason Bourne. “I don’t change the world through charity.”

“You change the world through protecting the innocent,” she returned. “And I can’t tell you how I appreciate what you do and the favor of you coming to share yourself with Lincoln.”

That was an odd way to phrase him coming for dinner, but he didn’t comment on it. If only she knew he was trying to prove she wasn’t ‘innocent’.

“I can’t tell you how I appreciate what you do serving children throughout the world and helping youth in your area to see how blessed they are and give back.” He sounded like a cheeseball. Suave undercover op? Not at the moment.

“Thank you.” She tilted her head and her long, silky, dark hair spilled over her shoulder and arm. Brex itched to run his fingers through it. He clenched them into fists instead.

“What could I do to thank you for the favor to Lincoln and me? Besides cookies and dinner, that is.” She stepped in closer and blinked up at him, moistening her lips.

He’d never envisioned a more beautiful invitation to kiss a woman. Heat filled his body. Leaning toward her was instinctive. Anticipation thrummed through his body. Clara was tantalizing and a kiss wouldn’t be out of line for a thank you. Would it?

He needed someone to slug him or throw cold water on his face. He couldn’t kiss her and keep his head on straight.

If he wanted to remain detached, a kiss was definitely out of line. He suspected kissing Clara Gem would upend his world. Would her kiss be as authentic as her smile and incredible attitude?

He should back away from a kiss and ask to spend more time with her. That would fit what he needed to do for the job and his newly created desire to be close to her. If he could prove she was innocent, then maybe he could act on the other desires she created in him.

No, that still wouldn’t be fair to her. After this job, he would head back to San Diego and dating actresses and socialites like Rachel. A genuine sweetheart like Clara didn’t fit in his world, and he’d never fit in hers.

He flicked his wrist and glanced at his watch, taking the opportunity to step back. Her eyes registered disappointment.

“Could you take me on hiking adventures and show me the best spots to explore your valley?” he asked. “I’ll be workingwith the police every afternoon, but I’d love to explore in the mornings.”

A gorgeous smile lit up her face, as if he hadn’t just stepped away. Was her very nature so giving that she didn’t get upset? He’d seen grown woman who didn’t get their way pitch tantrums that would impress a toddler.

“I would love that,” she said. “There are so many great spots to hike and explore, but I haven’t been adventuring much … in a while. I’d feel safe doing it with you. Thank you.”

“No … thank you.”

Brex had slid his way into Clara Gem’s life. He’d go to dinner at her house tonight, and they’d hike or explore in the morning. Maybe he could come up with reasons to be together each evening. Before long, he’d find out her secrets, find the murderer, and hopefully prove she was innocent. Working with the police each afternoon would give him a way to gain their trust and get information and impressions from the officers involved in her cases that weren’t recorded in the official notes.

Soon Brex would know if this lady could’ve killed three boyfriends, if the deaths were accidents, or if there was something at play here that no one had discovered.

He looked forward to the challenge. He’d involve Aiden’s tech team on the boring research and he’d do the hands-on research … with Clara. A few weeks around this beauty and a million dollars in his future. Life was good.

She smiled at him and turned, striding down the trail and looking enticing in her fitted T-shirt and shorts. High-dollar clothing usually made the women he dated look good.

With Clara … she made the clothes look good. From her shining and uplifting personality to those lean, golden-brown legs … definitely the cutest legs on the block, like her silly song.

Brex looked forward to more time with her. He couldn’t let himself get invested, but staying emotionally detached around Clara Gem might be harder than he’d foreseen.

If she kept smiling like that and offering a kiss as a ‘thank you’, it might be impossible.



Clara carrieda green salad and dressings outside to the patio table, grinning at her youngest brother, Lincoln, grilling the chicken for dinner. Of course Linc couldn’t simply watch the marinated chicken pieces to make sure they weren’t burning and flip them on the grill. He had music blasting from his phone and was dancing and singing to a popular song, using the spatula as his microphone.