She nodded but had to change the subject before tears escaped. “How did everything go with the police? Did Weston encourage Jane to …” She couldn’t say it, still couldn’t wrap her mind around her two best friends betraying her. At the same time, the man she loved had betrayed her. It was a theme in her life currently.

“The police believe Weston is innocent.” He obviously didn’t believe it. “Everything Jane says backs that up.” He shrugged. “They’ll have to sort it out.”

She nodded.

“Crazily enough, the Hendrys showed up at the station.”

“Oh.” That was another gouge of pain. Malik’s parents thought she’d killed him. She supposed they could still blame her as it was her friend who had killed him.

Jane. A murderer. It still didn’t compute.

He arched his brows. “They both thanked me for finding their son’s murderer. I earned the bonus.” He shook his head.

“Wow. Good for you.”

With a million dollars, he could easily have the high-dollar society life and dates he’d wanted before he met her. Now he could go back to the life he had before. It all was working out.

If only she wasn’t broken.

“They also told me that they want to come see you and ask your forgiveness.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh.” She swallowed and managed, “Of course I’ll grant it, but I hope they wait until after my trip. I need some time to heal.”

She realized what she’d just said as his eyes brightened with hope. She’d grant forgiveness to him too. Of course she would. But time was definitely something she needed. And prayer. Loads of prayer. The innocent and impoverished children in Angola would help her put everything in perspective too. They always did.

“Clara …” He studied her. “I might be gone for months. I don’t want to leave with this pain hanging between us.”

She shook her head and bit at the inside of her cheek. “You lied to me, Brex. Our entire relationship you were playing a part. Even if I can pray and forgive you, I’m not part of your world. I can’t …” She broke off, a sob rising in her throat.

In a blink, Brex’s hands framed her face and he was staring deeply into her eyes, his brown gaze sincere and probing. “I pray someday you’ll forgive me for misleading you. It was my first job in the private sector and I probably went about it all wrong. I’m so sorry. I know there will always be things in my job that I’ll have to keep from you, but I hope they’re never anything that hurts you. I’d do anything to heal you. You are my world, Clara.”

Was she cut out to be the girlfriend of a security specialist? Definitely not. She didn’t want her boyfriend or husband hiding things from her, and she wasn’t shrewd enough to sort through truth and lies. Him saying she was his world made her heart leap and long for it to be true.

Could Brex’s kiss heal her? Maybe, but she needed divine help to forgive him first. And she needed to trust him. Could she?

“I also know that without this job, I wouldn’t have met and fallen in love with you.” His gaze searched hers. “I love you, Clara Gem. I love everything you are, what you’ve taught me, what you’ve given to me. I love your charitable heart, your light-filled soul, your positive attitude, your genuine beauty, your unerring faith.”

Clara blinked fast but couldn’t stop the tears spilling over. Her faith in mankind was at an all-time low. Because of him and Jane. She’d trusted both of them and they’d betrayed her. His beautiful words couldn’t sink in and soothe her raw pain, no matter how she wanted them to.

“Please forgive me,” he beseeched her, “and know that I am desperately in love with you.”

He didn’t wait for her answer but bent and gave her a tender kiss. The kiss was sweet and didn’t ask anything of her. It gifted her with the deepest love and devotion she’d ever experienced.

Clara wasn’t ready to accept it.

She pulled back and out of his arms, whimpering as she touched her lips with her fingertips.

“I can’t,” she managed.

Rushing down the stairs, she half hoped he’d chase after her.

He didn’t.

It was for the best.

But somehow, him not following her hurt almost as much as him claiming he’d fallen in love with her while lying to her.
