Footsteps came, and they both turned to look as her brother Vance came into the entryway. “Apologies.” He held up his hands and gave them his slow smile. “I’ll go out the garage.”

Brex chuckled and ushered her away from the door so Vance could get by them. He released her hands. “It’s okay. I need to go as well.”

Vance gave her a quick hug. “Stay safe, little sis.”

“I will, big bro.” Her oldest brother was incredible. He was thicker than Brex, more of a bodybuilder shape. He had clients who traveled from around the world to stay at his beautiful facility and use his skills as a trainer.

“Love ya.” He kissed her forehead, raised a hand to Brex, and headed out the door.

Brex held onto the door, warm air spilling into the air-conditioned house. “This obviously isn’t the time to spill all my secrets.”

She smiled, but he was too serious for her liking. “We can chat on the hike in the morning.”

“Okay. That’ll be good. I don’t want anyone to overhear.” He glanced back at the entrance to the foyer. Her family was large, and friends were coming and going as well.

He’d already told her some very personal things and risked them being overheard. What kind of secret was this? Him going to Venezuela for work had been big enough. Then he’d shared about his first love and his desires for wealth and prestige. What else was there? Cold pricked at her skin even though it was a warm early summer night in the desert.

Brex gave her a soft kiss. “I’ll pick you up at five-thirty.”

“See you then.”

She watched him stride to his Range Rover parked across the street and two houses down. The street and driveway had been full of friends and family’s cars earlier, but it was gradually emptying.

His car was fancy, and he always dressed in name brand clothing. Even his T-shirt and joggers were Lululemon. He’d admitted he got into debt to live that life. Did he still want the high-society lifestyle? She was the furthest thing from that with her homemade clothes and her low-paying but charitable job.

“When are you going to dump him?” Weston asked from behind her.

She turned to see him and Jane standing side by side. Jane’s eyes looked compassionate.

“Never,” she hurled at him, anger filling her. No matter what Brex had to tell her, she would stay by his side and love him. Figuratively. They would be separated in two days. “I love Brex. He’s the real deal. You need to stop being so weird about me dating him.”

Weston’s jaw was clenched tight. “He’s hiding something from you. Aiden Porter’s op? In Podunk Jade Valley? It doesn’t add up.”

She glared at him, though his words made her spine prickle with unease. “Back off, Weston. We’ve been friends a long time and you need to trust me that Brex is incredible and the right one for me.”

“The right one? You’re going to choose him? Over us?” He gestured between him and Jane.

Jane said nothing. She was usually so calm but she suddenly looked panicked. Jane was loyal to Weston. Always. Clara understood that. Weston had always watched out for Jane and Jane innocently loved him. It ticked her off that Weston was forcing her to choose. She was thirty years old. Maybe the friends of her youth needed to be relegated to her past.

“Yes, I am.” She stomped past them and bypassed the living area, heading straight down the stairs and to her room. Once she was inside, she fell to her knees, confused and worried.

Had she just dumped her closest friends? Jane was innocent and needed her. Weston had been through so much and was a loyal and great guy.

But she loved Brex.

What secret did Brex need to tell her?

Could Weston be right and Brex wasn’t who she thought he was?

No. That wasn’t possible.

She bowed her head and prayed for insight and for Brex. She loved him. Even if they had to be apart, they could somehow come back together.

She had to have faith that would happen.

Or she’d fall completely apart.
