“Ah, Clara.” He hugged her fiercely to him, as if some external power could pull them apart. Then he claimed her mouth with his. The kiss was intense and passionate. He loved her and didn’t want to be apart. She completely agreed.
They pulled apart and studied each other. He had a desperate, almost guilty look in his eyes. She needed to reassure him. Of course she didn’t want him in danger, but she loved how brave he was and his willingness to fight for innocents and right wrongs. He was a hero; she couldn’t hold him back with her fears.
“Brex, don’t worry about me. It’s terrifying to think of you in danger, but I’ll pray hard and trust that God will protect you.”
He blinked at her. “Clara …” He shook his head. “You’re far too good for me.”
“That’s not true.”
He only arched his brows, then claimed her lips again. The kiss was fierce and possessive and only made her want more of his kisses.
“Clara, there’s more I have to tell you,” he whispered against her lips. His voice was urgent, his eyes as intense as his kiss had been.
“Okay.” She nodded her encouragement.
“I’m afraid you’ll hate me.”
“What?” Clara shook her head. “There is no world where I could ever hate you, Brex Cabella. I love you.”
His body stiffened against her, and she worried it was too fast. She thought he loved her too, but she was the only one who kept saying it. Brex was so honorable. He probably wouldn’t tell her he loved her because he feared he might lose his life and she’d be more heartbroken knowing the depth of his love.
“Clara, you think you love me, but you don’t know everything about me,” he said softly.
“I want to know everything, but I love you no matter what.”
His gaze was full of wonder and full of her. “You are light and happiness, Clara. It’s no wonder I’m so driven to be close to you. I … haven’t been genuine or truly happy in years.”
“Because of your work?”
He nodded. “And my lifestyle. I wanted to be showy and semi-famous, dress the part, drive the right car, and date the actresses and super models and … it was all empty and shallow.” He studied her, as if testing how she would react.
She’d felt that discrepancy between them. He was polished and like a superhero off the big screen, but he was real with her.
“You are more than enough, Brex. You don’t need fancy clothes or cars to be desirable, to be perfect to me. What someone has isn’t who they are. I’ve learned that in desperatelypoor countries around the world. With some of the best people, incredible people, like you.”
His brows went up, but then he said quietly, “Thank you, Clara. I know that’s true with you. I’m safe … with you.”
“You are.” Was that what he wanted to share with her?
His eyes darted back toward the living area, and then he lowered his voice, concentrating on her. “When I was new to San Diego, I thought I fell in love, ironically with a renowned preacher’s daughter.”
That surprised her. Melody had found lots of beautiful and semi-famous ladies photographed with him in her social media search, but not a renowned preacher’s daughter. She didn’t really love the parallel. “What happened?”
His mouth twisted. “Alayna dumped me because I wasn’t spiritual enough, didn’t wear the right clothes, drive the right vehicle, or live in the right area.”
“A preacher’s daughter?” She shook her head in disbelief. “She sounds like a shallow brat.”
Brex chuckled. “In ways she was, but her father was one of the top evangelical pastors on television. They had a persona to uphold.”
“That’s stupid.” She felt jealous and was saying petty things about some unknown girl. The woman had Brex’s love and had dumped it for such inane reasons. Was that why he wouldn’t tell Clara he loved her? Or did he not love Clara like he’d loved this girl? Alayna. It was a pretty name. She was probably beautiful.
“That initiated my irrational drive to be successful. The competitive San Diego singles scene fueled it. I loved the police force and being a detective, but I knew I’d never make enough money there to reach my goals. So I got in debt to live a lifestyle I couldn’t maintain. When Nick made me the offer to work for Aiden, I thought it was my path to success. I wanted to be the next Aiden Porter. But I wanted to do it without any of the faiththat Aiden has and for the wrong reasons. I didn’t even realize how selfish and ugly I’d become, a pretty boy façade that was very ugly on the inside, until I met you.”
“You aren’t selfish, and you’re the furthest thing from ugly,” she insisted. Could he not see how heroic and impressive he was?
“Clara. You’ve rescued me. Thank you. I didn’t even realize how irrational my shallow dreams were until I met you and saw how much more I wanted to live for.” They shared a look so deep and fulfilling she had no doubt he loved her like she loved him. He clasped both of her hands in his. “There’s more I have to tell you. Some things that might be difficult for you to forgive.”
Her stomach twisted at that. What would she need to forgive? Something he’d done on his path to prove himself in San Diego?