Grandma Gem and Granny Pearl shuffled into the entryway. “Ooh, forgive us,” Grandma Gem crowed.
Granny Pearl winked at Clara. “Kissing time.”
“My favorite time of the day.” Grandma Gem’s jade eyes sparkled.
Granny Pearl turned and gestured wildly to Grandma Gem. “What do you know about it? You haven’t kissed a man in ten years.”
Grandpa Gem had died ten years ago of a heart attack. It would seem like a harsh comment but these two ladies loved each other, and teased each other nonstop. Granny Pearl’s husband Papa Juan was still alive but didn’t leave the house much, so her two grandmothers were always attached at the hip. She adored them, but they were a lot sometimes.
“Shows what you know,” Grandma Gem said. “Greg at the hardware store likes to steal kisses every time he delivers to my house.”
“Oh!” Granny Pearl gasped, her dark eyes full of mischief. “He delivers to your house once a century, so I know you’re lying.”
“He makes up excuses to come by.” Grandma Gem pumped her eyebrows at Brex and Clara.
“I thought you told me everything,” Granny Pearl threw at her.
“A girl has to have some secrets.” Grandma Gem winked at them and tugged Granny Pearl out of the entryway as Granny Pearl demanded more details.
Brex grinned at the interchange, but there was something in his eyes that hinted at almost desperation to get whatever he needed to tell her out.
“Sorry,” Clara said with a laugh. “They’re a pair.”
“I think they’re great.”
“Thanks. What is it you need to tell me?” She couldn’t stand waiting much longer.
Lincoln danced into the entryway. “My favorite sis and my favorite guy!” he called out. He looped an arm around both of them, almost kinking Clara’s neck. “You want to go make dry ice bombs with me and the boys?”
“No.” Clara laughed at her rambunctious brother and ducked out of his elbow. “Don’t you dare make bombs.”
“Ah, sis, they’re harmless.” He lifted both hands innocently. “Who needs a mailbox?”
“That’s a crime,” she shot at him.
He laughed, not a concern in the world. “I’m gonna miss you two. Wait. Brex. Are you staying here while Clara ditches me?”
Ditching him. When he was nine or ten he’d sobbed as she hugged him goodbye to go on a mission trip and told her she didn’t love him and was ditching him. They teased about it now but it had broken her heart then. Lincoln was dramatic and so loving.
“I’ve got a new op in Venezuela,” he admitted, his eyes looking a little frantic now.
No wonder he wanted to get her alone and talk to her. Venezuela. The country was a hotbed for a lot of terrifying activities. Brex was tough, but she couldn’t handle knowing he was in danger. Was she cut out to be the girlfriend of a security specialist?
“Sweet! My man. Taking down bad guys.” Lincoln bumped his fist and then backed away. “I’ll let you two get busy. Sorry to interrupt the make out.”
“Thanks, man.” Brex stepped in close to her brother and explained to Lincoln how to safely make a dry ice bomb and avoid prison. He talked to him like a man, and Lincoln beamed. It showed Brex’s goodness and the relationship he had withher brother. She remembered Malik needing some space from Lincoln when the kid got too crazy.
They bumped fists and then Lincoln cheered. “You didn’t even deny you were making out! Dang, my future bro isrizzy.” He danced off.
As soon as her little brother disappeared, Brex focused on her. His deep-brown gaze seared through her with warmth and longing. Lincoln was right that he was rizzy, she wished he was going to be Lincoln’s future bro, but all she could concentrate on right now was him going to a terrifying country to perform a terrifying task.
“V-Venezuela?” she managed. “Is it a dangerous job?” She realized how silly the question was as soon as she got it out.
He nodded.
Clara let out a whimper, flung her arms around him, and cuddled close, clinging to his strong lower back. “Couldn’t you have lied to me?”
His eyes widened and filled with guilt. She didn’t mean He felt awful that she was stressing about him. Brex was so good.