“None at all.” Did he say that strong enough? Did he need to describe the way she’d lost all the color in her face and vomited, crying and trembling, because she couldn’t handle the thought of him falling to his death? That was only one of hundreds of experiences where Clara had shown her angelic and benevolent nature. No way on the earth was Clara any kind of murderer.
“We might have to call it.” Nick paused. “I need someone in Venezuela. With your dark coloring and unknown face, we might be able to get you into a trafficking ring that has eluded us for a few years. How’s your Spanish?”
“Es justo a medio,” he said, ‘fair to middle’.
“Bien.” Nick chuckled. “Are you ready for a change?”
“Honest truth … I’d love a change, a challenge. I need to see if I’m cut out for this or if this job is indicative of how I’ll do in the private sphere.”
Maybe that was too honest, but Nick needed to know he had some doubts about himself and his abilities.
Officer Chase Tenley parked next to him in his restored Ford truck. He wondered why Chase was in his personal vehicle and not his Durango Pursuit. He liked Chase. The guy was near his age and had a humility you didn’t always see on the force.
“I think you are cut out for this, Brex,” Nick said. “I think you’re ready.”
Brex appreciated Nick’s vote and support, but with the honesty starting, he couldn’t stop there. “More honest truth, Nick …” He drew in a breath, then let it out. “I don’t know how I’ll walk away from Clara. I love her.”
There was a pause, then Nick let out a low whistle. “I wondered.”
Brex leaned back against the headrest, raising a hand to Chase as he exited his truck and walked into the station.
“You going to call this quits before you give us a chance?” Nick asked.
“I don’t know. Everything’s a mess inside me. I love her. She’s a genuine angel, but I’ve been lying to her this entire time. I still feel like there could be a murderer out there, but I can’t find him or her. I don’t want to leave her, but I want to work with you and Aiden and be a security op.” He couldn’t believe he was being this honest with his supervisor, but it had been stirringinside him for a while and it was a relief to get it out. If only he could be this transparent with Clara. Would she hate him? Maybe.
There was silence, then Nick said, “I get it. I’m married to an angel, and I had to lie to Darcy when I fell in love with her.”
“What?” He knew Nick’s wife ran children’s homes in Mexico and Nick was there as often as he could be.
“Darcy’s ex-husband was a drug dealer and murderer. I was working to bring him down when I got paired with Darcy on theChance for Charityreality television show, Mercedes Belle’s brainchild.”
Brex remembered those shows that had aired last fall. He’d watched a couple and thought they were intriguing and fast-paced. He wanted to find Nick’s episode now.
“Some of your SDPD buddies assumed Darcy was in league with her ex, Johnny Trattori.”
Brex knew that name. How could he live in San Diego, be on the police force, and not know a scum like Trattori? He hadn’t been assigned to Trattori’s case, but he’d heard of Trattori’s traitorous ex, Darcy Saint. He’d had no idea it was Darcy Jacobs, Nick’s wife. How intriguing that Nick had been involved in the capture of his wife’s ex. This story was almost as messed up and confusing as Brex and Clara’s.
“I was leery at first, but I couldn’t resist Darcy’s angelic sweetness, and I fell hard for her. I don’t think you want to hear all the details about our love story.” There was a smile in Nick’s voice.
Brex chuckled. “Not particularly. But you were lying to her the entire time?” he clarified, a knot in his chest loosening. Angelic sweetness was exactly how he’d describe Clara. Nick had lied and it had obviously worked out for him and Darcy. Could it work out for Brex and Clara? Could he tell her all and beg her to forgive him?
“Yeah. It about tore me apart.”
“That’s how I feel.”
“It sucks.”
“Yeah, it does.”
Chief Randall and two other officers walked out of the building. They turned to their cars. Only the chief saw him and raised a hand. Brex waved back, but he wasn’t ending this conversation for anything.
“But Darcy forgave you when you told her the truth?”
“She was devastated and thought she couldn’t trust me. It was a rough couple weeks, but Aiden helped me with a grand gesture and the rest of the story is magical.”
He could hear the tease in Nick’s voice, but Brex was happy it had worked out for them. Would it work out for him, or would Clara never forgive him?
“I need to tell her the truth.” Brex knew it deep down. It was past time.