His brows rose at that, and then he gave her a smile that felt stale and insincere. “Clara, I promise you I’m taking this seriously.”
He shook his wrist and glanced at his watch. It was an unconscious gesture and she usually liked when he did it, but right now it felt as if he was showing his impatience.
“I’ll keep both of us safe because of my skills and experience.” He touched the pack he carried that she knew had a gun and a knife inside. “It’ll be okay.”
He gestured for her to walk again.
She shook her head. “No, Brex.” The feeling they should pray grew stronger. “You are strong and have skills, experience, and weapons, but God is over all.Hewill keep us safe. He might use your skills to do that, and it might be something neither of us can foresee. I don’t know the outcome, but I know we have to pray.”
If only she’d thought of praying with Harrison, Kyle, or Malik. Why hadn’t she? Every year that passed, she found she was much more inclined to turn to prayer every moment of her life instead of only praying in the morning and at night or at church.
Brex studied her, his dark eyes unreadable.
“Are you not a believer?” she asked, her palms sweating. She loved this man, and she would love him regardless of where he was on his faith journey, but she’d innocently assumed he was a committed Christian. Maybe because most of the people in her life were. She’d helped Malik find his faith, and he’d been grateful, even if his parents hadn’t. Could she do the same for Brex?
He shook his head, his posture tight and closed off. Then he pushed out a heavy breath and looked at the sandstone cliffs, squinting at the rising sun. “I rely on myself, Clara, not on some unfeeling being in the heavens.”
Her stomach squirmed.
Focusing on her again, his dark eyes looked stormy. “That probably changes your feelings about me.”
Her own eyes widened. “Why would it change my feelings about you?”
“You’re a committed Christian. Your dad’s the pastor and your mom’s his angelic supporter. You spend your life organizing and supervising mission trips for youth. You’re genuine, light, and happy.” He flung a hand at her. “How couldsomeone as charitable and inspiring as you want to shackle herself to an unbeliever?”
He said these words as if he’d practiced them or heard them before.
She stepped in closer to him. “You aren’t just some unbeliever.”
“What do you mean?” He didn’t back away into the cliff rising behind him, but she could tell he wanted to.
She took a deep breath and pushed it out there. “You’re the man I’ve fallen in love with.”
Brex blinked at her, as if coming out of the darkness into the sunlight. He shook his head and blinked at her again.
Clara wondered if she should stop, but she wanted to explain. “I hope you’ll be open to learning about my faith and the love, safety, and blessings God wants to impart to you, but my love for you isn’t conditional on you believing the same as I do.”
“Clara.” He said her name on a groan. “You are out of your mind.”
Clara startled. Not quite the response she’d hoped for.
“Oh, Clara.” He edged back toward the rock wall, tugging her with him, away from the dangerous drop-off.
Brex gave her a soft smile, framed her face with his hands, and kissed her. One of his hands threaded into her hair and massaged her scalp, making her tingle. His other hand wrapped around her lower back as he bent her slightly backward. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. The kiss must’ve looked like something from a movie. It felt even better. He kissed her so deeply she felt like she was floating on clouds of bliss.
He loved her back. Of course he did.
Finally, Brex pulled back and gave her a searching look. Clara’s own smile was tremulous. Emotion collided and overwhelmed her. That kiss, the love she felt for Brex, the loveshe knew their Father above had for him, and the fear of him falling off a cliff … it all made her want to cry.
Well, the kiss made her want to kiss him again.
The thought of a cliff made her lean into him and away from the terrifying drop-off behind them.
“You know, I haven’t asked you this because I don’t want to upset you,” Brex began.
The out of this world sensation disappeared and the only thing grounding her was his hands on her. What was he going to upset her with? Telling her he didn’t love her back? He acted so brave about being her boyfriend, but maybe he didn’t love her like she loved him. He’d said she’d lost her mind. Three months was quick to fall in love, but she knew her own mind.
He released his grip on her and straightened. “Do you think Weston could’ve murdered your boyfriends?”