He looked her over. “You’re mesmerizing to me, Clara. I’ve never met a woman like you. I’ve never felt a kiss like yours.”
Again, it was all true, but he should’ve stopped before he began.
“I had Melody do social media research on you.”
“And …” He didn’t like where this was going.
“You don’t date women like me, Brex. You date polished, gorgeous, successful actresses and influencers. Melody couldn’t give it to me straight, but Tess did. I’m not your type.”
“Clara …” His voice was too husky, too telling. If only he could tell her the revelations he’d had at dinner with Rachel only a few nights before. “I didn’t know a woman like you existed. I wouldneverhave dated actresses or influencers if I’d known there was a Clara Gem in the world.”
“Are you telling me the truth?”
That slammed into him like a brick wall. He wasn’t telling her the truth about why he was here, but he was telling her the truth about how incredible she was.
“Yes, Clara,” he said softly, but he had to clarify which truth. “There isn’t a woman in the world as grounding and magnetic to me as you are.”
The pulse point in her neck raced, and he would’ve given up anything to kiss it.A million dollars?Maybe.
“But for some reason we can’t date?” she asked.
“I want to date you.”Desperately, he wanted to add. “But my job would make it near impossible for us to have a long-term relationship.”
She swallowed and studied him. “Are you a hundred percent convinced you and I could never have a long-term relationship?”
“Eighty percent,” he said with what he hoped was a charming grin.
They couldn’t have a relationship if she was the murderer. If he could prove she wasn’t, he’d be free to pursue her. Every lady he’d dated had been a pretty distraction, a dinner partner, someone to help him climb the social ladder.
He truly had never known a woman like Clara existed. She didn’t fit in his world, and he didn’t know that he could fit in hers. He had a vision of him working at the Jade Valley police department, coming home to Clara every night in a little home like the one he was renting. He’d walk through that door, she’d be waiting, and the kisses they’d share would make the ones in the waterfall slot canyon look tame.
He shook out his wrist, checked his watch without seeing the time, and hoped she couldn’t read his rampant thoughts.
“But I find myself needing to be near you Clara.” He swallowed. “You’re all I can think about.”
She gave him a soft smile. “Could we get to know each other better and see if there’s more to us than mind-blowing kisses?”
He desperately wanted to get to know her better, and it was in line with what he should do with this job. Even if it made him feel slimy, he ached to be close to her. The past monthhadn’t yielded much. He’d never get answers unless he drew her—or the murderer—out. Or he had to prove that the deaths were accidents and get Aiden or Nick to drop the case. The million-dollar reward from the Hendrys still ate at him though. He wanted that money, but he cared about this genuine woman in front of him and clearing her name. If he did, would she forgive him for lying to her? He cringed, imagining the hurt in those jade-colored eyes when she learned the truth.
“I’m desperate to be near you,” he admitted. He’d like to kiss her and earn the million dollars, but both might be out of his reach now.
“Me too.” A slow smile started on her lips and spread across her face. She put her hands on her hips. “So we start with hikes every morning. Where you stay by my side, not shadow me like a wraith.”
“It’s a good start,” he said.
“All right then.”
They’d figured out the impasse. Together. For now.
They both turned sideways, and she tried to brush past him. There wasn’t enough room.
The instant her body connected with his, he was swept away. Could he even keep his head on straight while being close to her?
She drew in a breath and stared up at him, so inviting, so beautiful. It was all he could do not to pull her into his arms again.
They were wedged in together, this time by choice. The morning was lit with joyful possibilities. He was trapped by her eyes and her authenticity. She smelled of springtime.
After a deliciously long moment, she brushed past him, and he followed her down the trail. It was for the best. He had to keep his head on straight. And he had to not kiss her. He might have no choice but to call Nick for advice. What if Nick realized he was emotionally invested and assigned someone else to this case?