Thirty-four. She liked that. He was the perfect age for her. He seemed ideal in every way. If any man was worth letting down her guard for again, it would be Brex. He was classy but too tough for someone to murder. Like James Bond. Yet her other boyfriends’ deaths had all been seemingly accidents. Anyone could die in an accident. Her gut turned over at the thought.
“One plate,” Lincoln begged, putting his hands into prayer mode when his reasoning with Brex had failed. “The guys all love your cookies, my favorite and most beautiful sis.”
Clara and Brex both laughed. “One plate,” Clara said. “And promise you’ll share some with your friends.”
He grinned impishly, folded his hands under his chin, gave her an innocent, little boy look with his big brown eyes, and quipped, “May-be,” drawing out the word.
Clara laughed harder, exchanging a look with Brex. He grinned back at her as if he agreed that her little brother was the most hilarious and adorable teenager on the planet.
Lincoln overloaded a paper plate with cookies, inhaling four while he worked. He wrapped the plate in three layers of Saran wrap and then gave her a hug and Brex a fist bump. “Thanks for answering my questions. You’re the best! I hope you fall madly in love with my sis and I get to see you all the time.”
He winked at Clara, gave a silly wave with his fingers wagging but his hand not moving to Brex, and ran for the garage.
Clara couldn’t meet Brex’s gaze after that proclamation. She hardly knew him and Lincoln had just made this completely awkward. Knowing her teenage brother, he’d done it on purpose. Sometimes he seemed far too innocent and unaware, but not always.
“Clara.” Brex stepped closer to her.
She glanced up. His brown eyes were … uncertain and stormy.
“I … don’t know what to say,” he admitted.
“Don’t say anything,” she said quickly. “Linc’s a silly teenager. It didn’t mean anything. Cookie?” She grabbed a cookie and handed it over.
Brex’s eyes settled and he grinned, probably relieved she wasn’t boxing him into a corner when they hardly knew each other. He took the cookie and a large bite. Chewing slowly, he studied her. Why did he look so intense and alluring if he didn’t want to fall madly in love with her and didn’t know what to say to her brother’s teasing?
“Delectable,” he murmured. He took another step in and extended the last bite of the cookie. “Would you like a bite?”
She’d already eaten enough cookie dough to satiate her sweet tooth for a while, but she could only nod in response. She opened her mouth and he gently placed the bit of cookie on her tongue.His fingers brushed her lips as he pulled back. She chewed and swallowed the delicious mix of brown sugar, butter, and chocolate, her eyes focused on him.
“Clara.” He framed her hips with his hands against the counter, leaning in and setting her body on fire. “I’m only here for a short time and I’m sadly not in a position to ‘fall madly in love’.” He swallowed and his gaze swept over her face.
Clara felt the sting of disappointment. Not that she expected him to fall madly in love with her, but it still stung. What woman wouldn’t want Brex to fall madly in love with her?
“But I’d like to see Lincoln again,” he said.
“Lincoln?” she managed. Was he teasing, or was it an olive branch? He was only in town for a while, but he liked Lincoln and maybe he liked her too.
“Yeah.” He eased even closer, his chest brushing against her, his arms encircling her from the side, his body pressing her into the counter. “I’d really like to see Lincoln’s sister again. Share more cookies and kisses hello on the cheek.” He arched an eyebrow, and she got hot all over.
“If hello is a kiss on the cheek,” she said through her dry throat, forgetting all about the awkwardness of a moment ago and him not wanting to fall in love with her, “what happens at goodbye?”
His mouth curved in an enticing smile. “I guess you’ll have to wait and see.”
Fire raced through her. “I don’t want you to leave,” she admitted. “But maybe it’s time to walk you to the door.”
He chuckled at that but then leaned even closer. She inhaled his musk and linen scent. “Maybe we should practice goodbye right here in the kitchen.”
Clara’s stomach swirled with butterflies. She ran her hands along the firm muscles of his arms and up to his shoulders. He quivered under her touch. Maybe he wasn’t ready to fall madlyin love. She shouldn’t be either and she shouldn’t long for love when she was a boyfriend killer.
But something was happening between them, sparks unparalleled in her experience. She wanted to explore their connection and the warm tingles erupting inside her.
She arched up as he bent down.
The doorbell rang.
Clara bit back a groan of frustration.
Brex swiveled from studying her to glance toward the wall blocking them from the entryway. He looked back. “Dare we hope they go away?”