Page 67 of When We Burn

“Well, we can take care of that.”

Bridger leads me to the dining room off the kitchen, where everyone’s already seated around the table, filling their plates.

“How’s the school year going, Dani?” Brooks asks as he passes me a wooden bowlful of fresh rolls from the oven. He smiles at me, and any remaining nerves I have dissipate.

“It’s going really well,” I reply as I dig in, accepting platters and bowls to add to my dinner plate, and then passing them on. “I was a little nervous about starting at a new school, but all of the staff has been so great. It helps that I already know so many of them, and my kiddos are super fun. Aren’t you, Birdie?”

“We’re fun,” Birdie confirms with a nod as she scoops up some mashed potatoes onto her fork. “Miss Dani has snacks and really pretty unicorns all over the room, and we play outside, too.”

Birdie usually calls me Miss Dani, even at home, and I don’t correct her. It’s probably easier for her.

“Recess was always my favorite,” Beck says with a wink. “What did you learn this week?”

“We’re writing words that start with C. And we had to take something to class that starts with C. I wanted to take Pickles, but Dad said no.”

I blink at Bridger, who just laughs. This is news to me.

“Who’s Pickles?” Blake asks.

“My cat,” I reply with a chuckle. “Yeah, it was probably for the best that you brought in some carrots. Besides, you brought enough for everyone, and it was a healthy snack, right?”

Birdie nods and eats her salad.

“Hey, Brooks,” I say, after taking a sip of my water. “I have a weird noise in my car. I’m going to have to make an appointment.”

“What kind of noise?” Bridger jumps in, frowning at me.

“Just a … noise.I don’t know. A rattle? A … squeak?”

“Which is it?” Brooks asks as Bridger continues to frown. What the heck?

“Guys, I’m no mechanic,” I remind them. “It’s just a noise that wasn’t there before.”

“I don’t want you driving an unsafe car,” Bridgersays, making me shake my head. Good God, what is it with these overprotective men?

“It’s not unsafe. It’s just a sound. No warning lights are on or anything. Calm down, Chief.”

Bee spews out her water with laughter, Blake’s head whips up to stare at me, and everyone else is cackling as Bridger glowers down at me.

“Excuse us,” he says, taking my hand and pulling me from the room. I can still hear the others laughing. I have to practically jog to keep up with him as he pulls me into an office and shuts the door, pinning me to it with his lower body leaning against me. One hand is pressed to the door, and the other is cupping my jaw and neck and part of my face because his hands are huge, and his brown eyes are on fire.

“Holy crap,” I whisper.

“I saidno chief.” But then his mouth is on mine, and he’s kissing me like there’s no tomorrow. When he comes up for air, he tips his forehead against mine, breathing raggedly, his thumb brushing over my cheek. “Call me that again, and I won’t let you come for a week, Dani. I’m not kidding.”

I gulp. For aweek?

“But it causedthis, and I like it.”

“No.I won’t tell you again.”

My eyes are pinned to his lips.

“Fuck, I want to sink inside you so bad, but this is not the time or place. Let’s go.”

Before I know what’s happening, he’s opened the door and is dragging me back to the table. There’s still somuch laughter in everyone’s eyes, Birdie looks bored, and I’m saved from any further questions because Beckett’s holding up his phone, and it looks like their parents are on video call.

“Is that Dani?” Mama asks with a big smile. Their names are Brandon and Becca, hence, the Double B Ranch, but they always told us kids to call them Mama and Papa, and so I always have. Mama Blackwell is the only mother I’ve ever known. “Oh, you look wonderful, darling.”