“Fucking gorgeous and perfect in every way,” he answers and then narrows his eyes at me. “What’s going on? Is someone dead?”
I might be, if this goes poorly.
“I need to have a conversation with you about Dani.”
Holden stands and crosses his arms over his chest. “What about her?”
“I’m taking her out on a date tonight.”
A muscle clenches in his jaw. “Why?”
“Why?” I scoff at that and push my hands through my hair. “Because she’s amazing. Because she’s funny and beautiful, and I want to see her. I want to date her, actually.”
Holden’s sigh is loud and full of frustration. “What else do you plan to do to my sister?”
“I don’t think you want me to answer that question, man.”
“Fucking hell.” Holden paces away, hands on his hips, and then turns back to me. “You hurt her, I end you.”
“No, that’s not an idle threat. My girls have been to hell and back, and nothing is ever going to hurt them again. So if you so much aslook at hersideways, I’m coming for you, and I don’t give a rat’s ass if you’re my best fucking friend.”
“I willneverintentionally hurt that woman, and you know it. For fuck’s sake, Holden, I know what you all went through. I’m not dicking around with her for shits and giggles.”
He swallows, watching me, and then nods. “As long as we understand each other.”
“We do.”
At 6:57, I walk across the street, with flowers in hand. I ring the bell and Dani answers, and her whole face fucking lights up when she sees the yellow roses in my hand.
“For you.”
She takes them and buries her nose in them in that way that women do that I find so fucking adorable.
“You’re gorgeous, Dani.” It’s true. She’s in a red-and-white dress that buttons down the entire front and falls just above her knees.
When my eyes find her face again, she’s looking at my arms, and it makes me feel smug. I’ve caught her looking at my arms and shoulders before. I work out a lot—I need to be strong for my job—and I’m glad that she likes what she sees.
“I’m just going to set these in some water.”
I follow her inside and see that Pickles is curled up on the couch, napping.
“How’s it going with the cat?”
I can hear the water running in the kitchen, and then Dani returns, carrying a vase with the flowers in it.
“She’s sweet,” Dani says, smiling softly at the kitten. “She sleeps with me, and she always greets me at the door when I come home from work.”
“So, you’re glad you kept her?”
“Yeah, I am. Okay, I’m ready to go when you are.”
“Let’s do it.” I hold my hand out, and without hesitating, she slides her palm against my own, and I link our fingers, guiding her across the street to my truck.
The drive to Old Town Pizza is quick, and the owner, Heather, winks at me when we walk inside. I called ahead and asked if she could reserve us a table on her rooftop, since it always fills up quickly, especially on a Friday night.