Page 26 of When We Burn

Chapter Five


My baby sister is a badass.

We’ve always known it. Bee, as most of us call her, has the kind of personality that saysI don’t give a fuck.If she wants it, she’s going to figure out a way to get it.

And the woman isn’t even twenty-five yet.

A couple of years ago, she decided that she wanted to open a bookstore here in Bitterroot Valley, but the space she wanted, right next to the coffee shop, wasn’t available. The owner made noises about selling, but then they would change their mind. Did Bee buy or rent something else instead?

No. That firecracker waited them out because no other space would do, and now, Billie’s Books is close to opening.

It’s Thursday, I’ve just dropped Birdie off at school, and I’ve decided to grab some coffee before I see how the progress is going at the new bookstore.

Millie Wild-Lexington, owns Bitterroot Valley Coffee Co, and she’s another badass woman in my life.

I’m surrounded by them.

“Hey,” Millie says when I approach the counter. “Your usual?”

I don’t know how she’s managed to memorize every customer’s usual, but she has.

“Yeah. How’s it going?” I side-eye the plastic that’s covering the big hole that was cut between the two stores so customers will be able to get coffee and reading material. “Not too much dust over here?”

“Nah, the plastic helps,” she says with a smile, sliding my mug of hot, black coffee my way. “She’s almost done over there, Bridge. It’ssogreat. Have you popped over?”

“That’s my next stop. I needed a caffeine hit first.”

“And I appreciate your patronage.” She grins at me but then scowls when I don’t smile back. “Why are you always so grumpy?”

“I’m not.”

She rolls her eyes. “You have been lately. Cheer up, Chief. Nothing’s that serious. How’s Birdie?”

“She’s been feeling pretty good.” I frown, not wanting to jinx it. “Loving school. She’s in Dani’s class.”

“Yeah?” Her eyes sparkle as she watches me. “And how is that going?”

“Birdie loves it.” I take a sip of coffee.

“And how is it having my sister-in-law across the street?”

“No complaints from me.”

Millie exhales and rolls her eyes. “Areyou flirting with her? Dating her? Come on, I saw the way you looked at her. You like her.”

“Sure, I like her. I’ve known her forever.”

I laugh when Millie narrows her eyes at me.

“I’m attempting to date her, okay?”

“That’s better.” She grins. “Is that why you’re grumpy? Because you haven’t been dating her enough? What dates have you been on, anyway?”

“You’re a pain in my ass. She came to my place for dinner on Monday.”

She blinks at me. “That’s it?”