“Chase,” Blake says and stands back to let the man in.
“I thought you might be down here. Shitter of a night,” Chase says in greeting as he joins us in the living room. “We’ve made an arrest.”
“Good, that fucker deserves it,” I reply, shaking my head. “You arrested him at the hospital?”
“Arrested who?” Millie wants to know.
“The arsonist,” I reply.
“Oh, you found him?” Dani demands. “Who is it?”
“Can I have the attention again?” Chase asks, waving a hand. “Thanks. Yes, the arsonist is in custody, still at the hospital. But that’s not who I was referring to. We’ve made an arrest in regard to the fire across from your house, Bridge.”
Dani marches right over to him. “Who?”
Chase’s eyes move up from Dani’s to mine, and he blows out a breath. “It was Angela, Bridge.”
Dani gasps.
“What the fuck?” Blake asks as I set Birdie gently on the couch, and she cuddles into a blanket, and then I turn my attention back to Chase.
“Why?” Holden asks.
But I know.
“Because she was mad that I wouldn’t give her any money to stay away from us,” I reply. “And because she knew she’d destroy me if she hurt Dani.”
“She set the fire and then went to the Wolf Den, had a couple of drinks, and started bragging about it.” Chase shakes his head. “Brenda the bartender called us, and we arrested her.”
“Jesus,” Blake mutters.
Dani hasn’t moved. Hasn’t torn her gaze away from Chase. She’s just staring at him.
“She almost hurt my baby,” she finally says. “If we’d been over there, Birdie could have been hurt. So, I want you to promise me that that bitch is going to jail, and she’s going to stay there, or I’m going to hurt her.”
“I didn’t hear that last part,” Chase says and reaches out to squeeze her shoulder. “We have a strong case, Dani. She’s in a whole lot of trouble.”
“Not as much as she’ll be in if she gets out,” Dani mutters, turning to me, her eyes hot. “That. F?—”
“Okay.” I take her face in my hands and lean in to kiss her. I’m fucking furious, my blood is boiling, but I think Dani’s pissed enough for everyone in this room. “Take a breath, sweetheart.”
“I didn’t realize my sister had such a violent streak in her,” Holden says, and Millie smirks.
“No,” Blake says, shaking his head. “That’s a mama bear, and she’ll gut you without hesitation.”
“Damn right,” Dani mutters as I fold her into my arms.
“See?” I kiss the top of her head. “It wasn’t your fault at all. Thank God you brought Birdie home.”
“You’re incredible, baby.” I lift her chin and smile down at her. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.”
“Marry me.”
The room goes still, and Dani frowns up at me. “What?”