Page 69 of When We Burn

It’s actually nice.

“Back to your car,” Brooks says beside me. “Just drop it by any time this week and I’ll work it in. It’s probably nothing to worry about.”

“Thanks. I’ll do that. I appreciate it, Brooks.”

I glance over to Birdie and see that she’s fallen asleep in Bridger’s arms. Without thinking twice, I reach over and brush my fingers through her soft brown hair.

“Sweet baby.”

Bridger catches my hand in his and brings it up to his lips, kissing me softly.

“So.” Blake’s voice is calm and casual as he sips his drink. “Are we to assume that you two have made things official, since there’s a whole lot of dreamy eyes and PDA happening over there?”

“So many dreamy eyes,” Bee agrees with a snicker. “About damn time.”

Bridger smirks at that and then gives me a bright smile.

“I haven’t talked to Birdie, so I’m kind of glad she’s asleep,” he says softly. “But yeah, Dani’s my girl.”

“Aww, how sweet,” Beckett says, giving Bridger shit, but then he smiles. “Good for you, guys. There’s been something there since we were kids.”

He’s right. Bridger was always the one I’d seek out. He’s the one I crushed so hard on. So the fact that we’re together now fills me with hope and excitement, and let’s face it, the sex is…wow.

I feel better than I have in a long, long time. And as much as I’ve always felt like I was part of the Blackwell family, tonight was just the icing on the proverbial cake. Especially with Mama’s easy acceptance of her son and me together.It doesn’t get better than this.

We stayed to help with cleanup and then got Birdie in the car to head home. She’s exhausted, the poor thing.

“She’s been asleep pretty much since dinner,” I say, glancing back to check on her. “What’s going on with her, Bridge?”

He lets out a gusty breath and also checks on her in the rearview mirror. “We don’t know for sure. This has been going on for a year, maybe a little more. She’s just exhausted a lot. Sometimes she gets a stomachache. She’s small for her age, but she’s been growing like a weed through the summer, which made me feel better. She’s actually been doing a lot better all around, but there are days like today when she’s just beat.”

I frown and look back at her once more. Her little bow lips are open, moving as she sleeps. Her cheeks are round, and her dark eyelashes fall against her skin, and she’s the most beautiful, sweet thing.

I would hold her all day long if she were mine.

“Blake’s put her through a ton of tests, but they’ve been inconclusive. It could be as simple as allergies, and he said she might grow out of it. This summer was a relief, since she’s been so much better.”

“Hopefully she’s back to her old self tomorrow.” I reach over and grab Bridger’s hand, giving it a squeeze.

“Come home with us,” he says as he kisses the back of my hand.

“I really should go home and get ready for the week. Idon’t have much to do, but I’ll be mad at myself if I leave it for the morning.”

“You could come over when you’re finished.” He smiles over at me. “Late-night snuggles.”

This man is a toucher.And I’m so here for it.

“Is that all you want to do?”

“Well, my bedroom door locks, and there are ways to keep you quiet.” He lifts an eyebrow, and I laugh as his phone rings. “Fuck, that’s work.”

He lets go of my hand and accepts the call.


“We have another five-alarm fire,” someone says through the speakers.

“Text me the address. I’m—shit, I’m thirty out. I have to take my daughter home.”