We turn at the sound of the voice and smile at the willowy redhead before us. She has the most remarkable green eyes, and her skin is like porcelain.
She’s gorgeous. And I might be a little jealous.
“Hello,” Bee says. “How can I help?”
“Well, I overheard you discussing spicy books,” the stranger says, and I hear an accent in her voice. Irish? Scottish? It’s so pretty. “And I also noticed that you have a wonderful selection. Have you read Samantha Young?”
I nod, but Bee shakes her head no.
“Do I need to read her?” Bee asks us, looking back and forth between us.
“I strongly recommend her,” the woman says. “I’m Skyla, by the way.”
“Bee. And this is my friend, Dani.”
We all shake hands, and I tilt my head to the side, watching the newcomer.
“Are you visiting, Skyla?”
“Actually, I recently moved to town,” she says with a hesitant smile. “I came from New York, but I’m originally from Galway, Ireland.”
“Honestly,” Bee says, “I’m a little in love with your accent. Welcome to town. What do you do?”
“Well, I’m about to open a dance studio.” She smiles softly, and I think I’m a little in love with her, too. “I was a dancer in New York City, and I’d like to teach children.”
“We know about a hundred kids who wouldlovethat,” I assure her. “In fact, I’ll bet Birdie would be all over it. My…friend’s daughter. Is five too young to start dance?”
“Not at all,” she assures me. “I’d love to have her.”
“Well, this is exciting,” Bee says. “And now I’m thinking that we should start a spicy book club.”
“Sign me up,” I reply with a nod.
“Oh, me, too,” Skyla agrees.
“Three members already.” Bee laughs. “And let’s start with a Samantha Young novel.”
All in all, it was a good day. I spent a couple of hours at the bookstore, talking more with Skyla, who is just so pretty and sweet, and then other friends who drifted in and out. My sisters all came by. I left before Bridger and Birdie popped in, but I was getting hungry, so I came home.
It’s late now, and although we’re squarely into September, and it’s not warm anymore once that sun goes down, the sky is clear tonight, with a full moon, and I want to lie out on the driveway to do my daily affirmations and meditation.
So, I bundle up in Bridger’s hoodie, close the door behind me, and walk down to my spot. Once I’m lying down, I take a long, deep breath, hold it for four seconds, and then let it out slowly, all while keeping my eyes pinned to the stars above.
First, I start with the affirmations for today.
I am smart.
I am a good teacher.
I am worthy of love.
I am a good friend.
I deserve to be in a happy relationship.
I bite my lip on that one.
I can hear Bridger’s door open and close softly and then, just a few seconds later, the sound of his footsteps as he makes his way across the street. He doesn’t stand over me this time. I notice he’s in another hoodie, similar to the one I’m wearing, and he lies down next to me, linking his fingers with mine.