“Wow, you’re really going all out on the girls’ weekend, aren’t you?” I smile and slow down when a logging truck pulls onto the highway in front of us. “Are you having fun?”
“Of course, she is,” Bee calls out. “She’s with me.”
“Yeah, of course, I am,” Birdie echoes, and now Dani’s laugh fills the cab of the truck.
“Do you have a girl with you?” Birdie asks.
“I’m with Miss Dani,” I reply easily and take Dani’s hand in mine, giving it a squeeze. “We went out to the ranch for a while and rode the horses.”
“Did you see the puppies?” Birdie demands.
“We did,” Dani replies. “They’re so cute. Do you have a favorite puppy?”
“I can’t decide. They’re all my favorite,” Birdie replies. “Okay, I have to go. Love you, Daddy.”
“I love you, too, peanut. Have fun.”
I end the call, and Dani sighs next to me. “She’s so funny. She’s like this all day in class. Not afraid to speak up and volunteer information or ask questions. I never know what she’s going to say, and it cracks me up.”
“I love that you get along with her.”
“Who wouldn’t get along with that beautiful girl?”
That makes me smile.Takes one to know one, Miss Lexington.
When I pull into my driveway, Dani waits for me to cross around to open her door. When she lowers to her feet, I see the wince on her pretty face.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing. I’m fine.”
I cup her chin and make her look me in the face. “What’s wrong, kitten?”
“It’s kind of embarrassing.”
“No way. Tell me.”
She nibbles that lower lip. “I’m sore.My…netherregions…aren’t used to this much action. Between last night, this morning, and then spending all day on a horse, yeah. Ouch.”
I pick her up and carry her into the house. “Come on. Let’s put you into an Epsom salt bath to help relieve some of that pain. I have some ibuprofen for you, too.”
“Thanks, that sounds nice, and your bathtub is insane,but I can totally just go home and?—”
“No.” I tighten my arms around her. “You’re staying, and I’ll take care of you. No arguing allowed.”
“I really do love that tub.”
“I know.” I kiss her temple as I carry her back to my bedroom and set her gingerly on the bed. “The previous owners did the renovations on this place, and the tub was here when I bought it. You’re okay with the bath these days?”
She nods and lets me tug off her shoes and socks, then wiggles her toes as I lean over to kiss the top of her foot. “Tubs are fine. Now, it’s mostly just bigger bodies of water and swimming pools that I won’t go near. But thank you for asking.”
She’s fucking incredible. The shit she’s overcome, the incredible strength she has to be so amazing slays me.
“Good to know. Hang tight, I’m going to get the water going.”
“I’ll be right here.”
Chapter Eight