Page 44 of When We Burn

“I thought you’d say that.”

She’s not justfondof puppies, I discover when we make our way over to the dairy barn, where Beckett’s milking cows and keeping an eye on the little terrors that are almost ready to find homes.

She freaks out over puppies.

Dani sits on her butt, right on the ground, and giggles as all seven of the dogs climb around her, into her lap, and all around, trying to kiss her face.

Beckett and I share a smile, and then Dani climbs to her feet again and scoops one of the pups into her arms.

“Oh, you’re just a baby.” She kisses its nose and then buries her face in its neck. “You’re so sweet. And you smell so good.”

“Puppy smell,” Beckett agrees. “Someone should figure out how to bottle it. They’d make a fucking fortune. By the way, are you going to say hi tome?”

“Hey, Beck,” Dani says with a laugh and crosses to my brother, lifting onto her toes to kiss his cheek. “Whydo you keep getting more handsome every time I see you?”

“Hey now. No flirting with my brother.”

Dani smirks at me and then sets the puppy down so it can run back to join its siblings.

“Wanna learn how to milk a cow?” Beckett asks Dani.

“Heck yes, I wanna learn how to milk a cow. Show me.”

We spend a couple of hours with Beckett and his men in the barn, and as he shows Dani how to set the cows up to the machines as well as the process of getting the milk from them, I change the water for the dogs, tidy up their pen, and then go out and water our horses.

When I return inside to gather my girl and take her home, I can hear her laughing with my brother.

This woman can do anything. She’s currently helping Beck unhook the machines from a cow’s teat, and she’s giggling like crazy.

Birdie would love this. I can picture the two of them here, playing with the puppies and harassing Beckett, and I make a mental note to bring them both next time.

“Are you about ready to head back?” I ask Dani when she turns and smiles at me.

“Yeah, I think so. I hope I didn’t ruin all this afternoon’s milk supply, Beck.”

“Only most of it.” Beckett winks at her. “It’s a good thing you’re an excellent teacher because it’s safe to say that you’renota dairy farmer.”

“Well, shucks. That breaks my heart.” She gigglesagain and walks right to me, wraps her arms around me, and hugs me. “Let’s go.”

Beck winks at me over the top of her head, and I turn to guide her out to the truck.

“That was so fun,” she says with a happy sigh as she settles into her seat, and I maneuver the truck onto the highway to town. “The ranch is so beautiful. Do you ever miss living out here?”

“Nah.” I shake my head and reach over to rest my hand on her thigh. “I love going out to spend some time there, but my life is in town, you know?”

“Definitely. But it is fun to visit.” She yawns, and we’re quiet as we drive the rest of the way into town.

Suddenly, my phone rings, and I answer it on the screen.

“Bob’s Pizza.”

Tinkling laughter pours out of the speakers, and Dani snickers next to me.

“Dad, you’re not Bob’s Pizza!”

“What are you up to, peanut?”

“Aunt Bee and I got nachos, and I helped her at her new store. And we saw Millie and Holden, and I got a hot chocolate. And now we’re going home so I can have a bath, and then we’re going to have pedicures and facials.”