Page 119 of When We Burn

The reminder still makes me so fucking angry. I didn’t understand what in the hell was wrong with myex-wife, how she could be so heartless and callous when it came to our infant. At first, I wondered if it was post-partum depression, but as time went on, we realized that she just didn’t care if Birdie lived or died.

She didn’t care about her name. I’m the one who named her. And I’m the one who sat with that baby, held her when I could, day and night, for two fucking months until I could take her home.

“Well, let’s hope that she gets tired of this game soon and goes away,” I say with a sigh. “And let’s get Beckett a life that doesn’t revolve around cows.”

“Fuck you,” my brother says with a laugh. “Just because you’re all messy in love doesn’t mean the rest of us need to be.”

“I’m not messy.”

“Hey, love,” Dani calls out to get my attention. It seems she’s settled onloveas my nickname, which doesn’t bother me at all and is way better than Chief.


“Who was it that bought that house out on the highway that’s been abandoned for like a million years? Jerry somebody?”

“Jerry Klein,” I reply.

“Thanks, I couldn’t remember.” Then she goes back to talking to Bee. Birdie is asleep, curled up at Dani’s side.

“Thanks,love,” Blake says.

“Fuck you.”

My brothers are smirking, and I grin and shake my head. “She wanted to call me Chief, and I didn’t like it.”

“Why not? You are the chief,” Beck points out.

“Because it’s my job. The guys who work for me call me that. People all over town call me that. Not my girl.”

“I guess it would be weird if a woman I was involved with called me Doc,” Blake says, thinking it over.

“Exactly. You get it. Like, can you imagine? You’re in bed, and she’s all,‘Faster, Doc.’”Blake shivers, and we all laugh.

“Fuck, point taken,” Blake says.

I stand and walk over to check on my girls and grin when Dani leans over to kiss Birdie on the head.

“You guys okay?”

“Your daughter is exhausted,” Bee says, and her eyes are full of concern when she looks up at me.

“She did a lot this afternoon.”

Bee frowns and looks down at Birdie. “I know, but it feels like more than that.”

Blake hears us and walks over to press his hand to Birdie’s forehead and checks her pulse. “She’s just sleeping. Wore herself out.”

“Heck, I could use a nap,” Dani murmurs, but she’s also watching Birdie closely.

“Call me if you need me,” Blake says, patting me on the shoulder before walking out. Brooks and Beck wave at us from the doorway.

“Come on.” I lift Birdie into my arms and kiss her cheek. “Let’s go home.”

“Daddy?” Her voice is soft with sleep. “Can we have pizza for dinner?”

“Are you awake enough for pizza?”

“I just need a little sleep, but I’m hungry.”