“I’m okay. Really. I already feel a little better,” she mutters.
With clinical movements, my doctor tugs down my waistband and studies the oozing wound on my hip. His unimpressed expression reveals his thoughts. By the incessantthrobbing and fire streaking through my hip, not only is the laceration deep in the muscle, but the surrounding flesh must be burned, too. The gash on my side bleeds freely.
He cleans and bandages me in record time before checking the monitor and studying Aurora’s face.
Tristan squeezes her hand again before relinquishing his spot to my physician.
Two nurses help situate Aurora’s IV lines as I lie her face down on the bed. She clings to my nape, but I duck out from under her arm, encompass her chilly hand in mine, and squat so my eyes are level with hers. I stroke my thumb over her knuckles, wishing I could gather her into my arms.
Dr. Karl and his nurses set to work again, cleaning, inspecting, and treating her wounds with seamless teamwork. She grits her teeth and closes her eyes until I nip the back of her hand and murmur her name. Even though the machines show her improving vitals, terror gnaws at my insides at the thought of her closing her eyes and never opening them again. She lifts her lashes and focuses on my face for a moment, but pain creases her brow and steals her attention.
Dr. Karl announces her bleeding has slowed but says pressure bandages for an hour or two would be best. She gives the tiniest nod before biting back a groan as they lift her off the mattress and wrap a bandage around her ribs and over her shoulders to compress both wounds. When they roll her onto her side and prop her up with pillows, sweat glistens on her pale brow.
A nurse pulls a chair up behind me, so I scoot it closer and sit at Aurora’s bedside. Her hand still feels cold within mine, so I request a blanket and tuck our joined hands underneath when they settle a warmed sheet over her.
“I’ll be back in an hour to check her bleeding, but the nurses will keep a close eye on her. The best thing for her right now isto rest, so we’ll turn down the lights and bring in a cot for her brother.” He gestures for the male nurse to fetch the mentioned cot before ensuring he has my attention. “Once the transfusion is complete, you can join her on the bed, but for now, it’s safer to let her sleep solo.”
I hate the logic, but I’d do anything to see her recovered, so I grind my teeth and nod my understanding. She belongs in my arms where I can feel her breathing and smell her scent, but with the IV lines, monitor hook ups, and her bandages, it would be too easy to hurt her instead of comfort her, so I rub my thumb over her wrist and prop my other elbow on my thigh.
As they settle Tristan along the wall on Aurora’s other side, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I check the screen before answering Fiero’s call. The male nurse offers me a pair of scrubs, which reminds me I’m shirtless and wearing bloody pants. Another nurse offers Tristan a clean pair of clothes, too. I put the call on speaker, set it on the edge of the bed, and thank the man with a nod as I take the clean clothes from him.
“We found Madona Achilles bound and beaten in her closet. Otello obviously r—”
“You’re on speaker,” I snap.
Two pairs of wide eyes stare at me. The anguish in Aurora’s glazed gaze hurts my heart.
“I sent her to the hospital with half a dozen of our men for protection,” Fiero says. His strained voice relays his pain. “The rest of the house is empty. Every single one of the staff is gone. Not even a guard at the gate.”
Which explains why I had to smash it with my car.
“Where’s Horatio Achilles?” I ask.
“I sent two men to confirm his whereabouts, but rumors say he’s at his office. We’ll make sure he hears about this from your perspective,” Fiero replies.
“Thanks, consigliere. Anything else?”
“Cleanup is almost complete, so I’m heading your way. How’s the boss lady? The men are asking about her,” he says.
My stomach churns as I realize his hidden message. She left too much blood behind.
“She’s stable and resting,” I answer.
“Thanks, I’ll relay that. See you in a few.”
Just before I end the call, his hiss of pain and string of expletives fill the air as he curses the backseat of whichever car he’s trying to lower himself into. I sigh and toss the clothes down onto my chair and move my phone to the nearby tray, refusing to release Aurora’s hand for even a second.
“What’s going to happen now?” Tristan asks.
Aurora lifts her hand to him. He steps forward and carefully takes it.
“You’re going to come live with me. Both of you,” I say.
Tristan swings saucer-sized eyes my way. Aurora’s fingers stiffen within mine.
“Really? I can come live with you?” The excitement on Tristan’s face fills my heart with warmth.
Tears swim in Aurora’s eyes, but she relaxes and nods her head.