“No, but I think I found—”
She stops talking when her mother’s door opens and footfalls head our way. I lift the covers. Aurora turns off her computer screen and dives into the bed with me.
Her mother passes our room and unlocks Tristan’s door as his alarm sounds. Aurora tucks her face against my chest andhooks her digits over my shoulder. I skim my fingers over the back of her thigh and tease behind her knee.
She’s too tempting. I trace over her hip and fill my hand with her naked ass. Her breath hitches as I grind her damp pussy against me.
Water rushes through pipes in the wall as Tristan gets in the shower.
“Wait, let me shut down the computer. It’s not safe,” Aurora whispers.
Her breath ghosts over my sternum, but I let her go and will my cock to soften as she slips out from under the cover.
When she bends over the keyboard, the hem of my shirt lifts and teases the lower swell of her ass.
I rise from the bed and grab her hips. She hisses and tries to push me away, but I growl and reach under my shirt to fondle her breast.
“Don’t mind me,mia topolina. Focus on the computer. I’ll focus on you.”
Mindful of our surroundings, I use my fingers to bring her to a quick orgasm and spurt my release onto her back. In a moment of insanity, I scoop the viscous fluid up and sink my coated digits into her fluttering pussy. She looks over her shoulder at me with wide, vulnerable eyes.
“You’re too fucking sexy,mia topolina,” I murmur.
She blushes and shifts her weight.
“Are you done on the computer?” I ask.
She nods.
I kiss the exposed flesh of her shoulder from my too-big shirt’s neckline before pulling my fingers out of her pussy and helping her strip.
Tristan turns off his shower. I point her toward the bathroom and pat her ass before gathering all my clothes. After a quick soap and rinse, I towel dry and dress in yesterday’s clothes.
The clothes I wore when I married Aurora.
She emerges from the closet and rushes through the rest of her morning routine. I steal a kiss before leading her into the hall.
After a simple breakfast, we send Tristan off with Mr. Hearthright and head back to Aurora’s room for her purse.
My phone vibrates in my pocket. I answer my sister’s call and stop mid-stride when her distraught voice sounds through the speakers.
“Mamma called Camilla, Giorgio. I don’t know what she said, but Camilla’s gone non-responsive. Her nurses called me because they’re concerned,” Serenity says.
Aurora walks out from the bathroom with her brows drawn in worry.
“I’m going to visit Camilla now, but I’d like to know what mamma said before I get there. Can you go talk to papà?”
I meet Aurora’s eyes. She hesitates, but nods and grabs her bag from beside the desk.
“Yes, I’ll head over right now. Is Nico going with you?”
“Of course.”
After saying a rushed goodbye, I hang up and send Fiero a text. He replies with ayes, boss.
Madona intercepts us before we escape out the front door. I apologize for the impromptu sleepover—playing it off as an accident—but she insists I am welcome any time.
I thank her and lead Aurora outside. The overcast sky and foggy morning air increase the dread forming in the pit of my stomach.