Page 70 of Heartless Vows

He wraps his arms around me from behind and closes the bracelet around my wrist. I blink back tears, annoyed when they blur my vision, and lean back into his chest, but he twirls me around and drops to one knee.

Confusion spears through me. I’m already wearing the ring, and we’re already betrothed, so he doesn’t need to propose.

He pulls a large jewelry box from behind his back—which wasnotthere when we got out of the car—and holds it up toward me.

“What are you—?”

“Hush,mia topolina. It’s my turn to ask the questions.”

I stand frozen in shock as Giorgio Vivaldi, the most terrifying, ruthless, and honorable mafia don in NYC, opens the case and proposes.

“Aurora Achilles, will you marry me?”

I can’t breathe. Tears escape my lashes and emotions clog my throat.

Nestled inside the large jewelry box is a complete set of GPS jewelry and accessories—watch, necklace, ring, shoelace tags, and sunglasses—cool enough to make any eight-year-old boy envious.

My heart threatens to burst. By offering me this, he’s including Tristan in our future. I don’t have to worry about losing my brother anymore.

“Yes. Yes, I will marry you, Giorgio,” I sob.

Fiero lifts the jewelry case from the table and brings it to me, even though Giorgio’s ring is the only thing left in it. I pull it out with shaking fingers and turn to Giorgio.

He towers over me.

“How about right now?” he asks.

“What?” I half-sob, half-laugh.

He’s not making sense.

The front door opens and Mrs. Tamsin walks in.

Giorgio’s lawyer. Marry him right now?

After a moment of pure, instinctual panic, logic and love cut through the mayhem and dry my tears.

“Yes. Right now. Where do I sign?”

Giorgio’s arms surround me. His tongue invades my mouth. I close my fist around his ring and kiss him with all the joy in my heart. When he lifts his head, the wonder in his gaze matches the awe pulsing through me. I grab his massive, tatted hand and slip the ring on his finger before peppering his knuckles with kisses and wrapping my arms back around him.

I’m not alone anymore.

I love Giorgio Vivaldi and he loves me.

He’ll protect my brother. I’ll protect his sisters. We’ll secure a safe, happy future for everyone we love.


Chapter 18

Giorgio Vivaldi

Every time she liftsher hand up in front of her to study the rings sparkling on her finger, a smile pulls at my lips. I can’t help it. She’s stunning.

I lean back, pushing my knees into the back of the passenger seat even though it’s pushed as far forward as possible, and slip my hand under her hair to play with her nape.

The large black jewelry box sits open on her lap.