Page 52 of Heartless Vows

“Ask for her help,” he says with a shrug before dropping to unstrap the pads from his shins.

“Why? What did you find?”

He lifts his head and meets my eyes as he unhooks the Velcro behind his left calf.

“She’s a few credits away from earning her bachelor’s degree in computer science, and according to her professors, she’s a genius. She has the highest grades in all her classes.”

He stands with the pads tucked under one arm and saunters to the cleaning station.

“She’s only eighteen. She just graduated from high school,” I snarl.

I might strangle the man as he sanitizes the pads with nonchalance emanating from his every move.

“She locked her records and delayed her diploma, but she graduated years ago.”

I curse and stomp to the locker room, angry I let Fiero goad me into asking about Aurora behind her back. As the hot shower beats down on my shoulders, I pray my early morning workout is enough to help me maintain control throughout the day, but when my cock half hardens at the mere thought of kissing Aurora, I hiss and smack the shower controls.

Freezing water shocks me into the present and cools my ardor.

“There’s more,” Fiero says from the stall beside me.

I turn off the shower and yank the curtain open. When I don’t respond, electing to towel dry in silence, he takes the hint and changes the subject.

“I looked into her family situation, too.”

I hang my towel on the hook and reach for my lotion.

“Did you know her father’s consigliere claims the Achilles family home as his place of residency?”

I pause mid-smear with my foot propped up on the bench. Most consiglieres have their own homes. My uncle has his own townhouse, despite spending most of his time at our family residence.

“And I can’t find any apartments or condos under his name, either.”

I grunt and finish lotioning my entire body.

“Are you trying to tell me he lives with the Achilles family?” I snarl.

I didn’t get that vibe from Aurora. Her reaction made it seem like she hadn’t expected to see him. Like it had been a while since he visited.

“He’s seen going in and out of hotels and apartments, but I’m not sure he’s ever slept in one place for more than a night or two at a time,” Fiero says before turning off his shower.

“So, he’s a man whore?” I scoff.

His towel muffles his reply.

“I think that’s fair to say.”

I pull on my clothes and toss my dirties in my duffle before checking the time on my phone.

“Don’t call or text me today unless it’s an emergency.” I shove my phone in my pocket and head for the door. “And stay away from the townhouse,” I demand.

“Got it, boss. Go get your lady before you break all the gym equipment.” As the locker door closes behind me, his last words pull a tight smirk from me. “Goddamn beast might break my legs tomorrow if he doesn’t get what he wants.”

I hop in my car and head straight to the Achilles family home. As the first rays of light brighten the sky, I pull into the driveway behind a black SUV. A man older than my father stands beside the open back passenger door. He looks vaguely familiar. His sweater and slacks label him as an educator, but I hate to judge a book by its cover, so I hold my judgment until he meets my gaze.

His friendly smile, intelligence, and manners clear away my suspicion.

The side door of the house opens and Aurora steps out. Her smile steals my breath. I want her to greet me like that, but she has yet to notice me. Locked in a playful conversation with the boy who trails out after her, she laughs and throws her arm over his shoulder as they walk down the sidewalk.