She nods, accepting my assurances.
I help her from the car and give her a quick tour of the house and back garden before leading her into the tiny office. She watches in pensive silence as I reveal the hidden safe and relay the passcode to her while I open it.
I step back and gesture for her to place the folder on whichever shelf she wants. She approaches as though she’safraid a snake will jump out and bite her, but after setting down the documents that detail how everything is hers, she turns and walks away without even checking the contents of the safe.
My phone chimes. I read the message and send a reply, welcoming the change of plans since the demon inside me kept picturing Aurora sprawled out on every surface as I gave her a tour of the house. Willing my cock to soften, I adjust myself before following my future bride into the kitchen.
I pluck the keys from the counter, place them on her palm, and curl her fingers around them.
“You’re welcome here anytime, Aurora. Treat it as your own now.Capisci?”
Tears shimmer in her eyes. My heart hurts. I pull her to my chest and surround her with my bulk, silently promising to protect her from the world. I don’t know what demons she’s fighting, but I swear I’ll decimate every one.
My cock pounds with need, but I cherish how she willingly accepts my comfort. When she gets her breathing under control—the stubborn woman refused to cry—she tentatively rests her hands on my sides.
Any more touching and I’ll fuck her on the counter without the foreplay she deserves, so I grab her nape and push her toward the garage in front of me.
“Wait, where are we going?”
“But I thought…”
“You thought I brought you here just to fuck you?”
“Why wouldn’t I? You said the next time you got me alone, you’d—”
“Don’t you think you’ve drooled on me enough today?” I interrupt, knowing I’ll lose control if I hear her repeat the filthy words I said to her.
I open the car door and push her into the seat before reaching over her and latching her seatbelt.
The embarrassment staining her features is too tempting. I nip her bottom lip and lick her cheek before hovering my lips beside her ear.
“The answer is no,mia topolina. You could droolall overme, and I’d demand more. I want you so bad I’ve got blue balls from how hard I’ve been all day just from letting you nap on me.”
I shut the door and settle behind the wheel, gritting my teeth when she squirms in her seat. After opening the garage and front gate, I put the car in reverse and look over my shoulder to navigate the tight drive.
“If you’re like that, then why are we leaving?”
I block traffic for a moment, ensuring the gates close before shifting into drive, and settle my hand on her thigh. She jumps in surprise, but doesn’t push me away.
“There’s someone I want you to meet,” I say.
She looks at me expectantly. I turn my attention to the road. She sighs and scoots back in her seat as though that’ll stop my hand from inching up her leg.
I can’t help it. I need to touch and tease her until she’s desperate enough to beg.
She grows more apprehensive as I pass through each security checkpoint, and by the time I pull into the underground parking lot, she grips the door’s armrest with white knuckles. I park in the space closest to the elevator and demand she wait for me with a warning squeeze to her thigh. She swallows and nods.
The urge to kiss her nearly wins, but I exit the vehicle and rush her to the elevators. When I wrap one arm around her waist and pull her to my side, she comes willingly. Her submission morphs even the most mundane act into an erotic tease.
I remain aware of our surroundings, unable to ignore the skills and instincts I’ve honed for years, but don’t check forsecurity cameras or potential threats. This building is one of the few places besides my townhouse and my parents’ home where I don’t have to worry about an attack.
“Is this a hotel?” Aurora asks as I mash the button for the penthouse.
“There are apartments in the building, but no, I’m not taking you to a hotel room.”
The elevator chimes as we reach our floor. I step out and enjoy the brushing of our bodies as she walks beside me.