Page 31 of Heartless Vows

With a scowl and a shrug, she hops off the table and puts her back to me as she pulls her panties on without taking off the gown. I watch in frustrated amazement as she snaps her bra into place and works her dress up her legs without offering me more than a glimpse of her pale flesh as she slips back into her clothes. She flings the gown onto the table, steps into her shoes, and snags her purse from the chair beside the door before meeting my gaze.

I surge from the chair and stalk toward my prey.

Chapter 9

Aurora Achilles

Even though I knowit won’t deter him, I fling open the door and step backward into the hall. His lithe prowling melts my insides, counter-acting the jittery mess left behind by my nightlong panic attack, and his intense, dark eyes bore into my soul. He’s too handsome in his laid-back business attire with the sleeves of his button down rolled up to reveal his tatted forearms. My heart pounds against my sternum and my head spins as I struggle to keep my balance, but when he hooks his arm around my waist and tugs me against him, the buzzing in my ears stops.

His warmth seeps into my flesh and begins my thaw. It feels like a lifetime since I last felt warm. I should push him away, but I neither have the energy nor the strength to deny myself the pleasure of his kiss as he lowers his lips to mine. His hard, demanding mouth dominates my senses until nothing exists beyond his teeth and tongue.

When he stops and pulls away, my mind remains blissfully silent.

A crease forms between his brows. He cups my face and brushes his thumb over my cheek, smearing the tears I didn’t even realize had formed. I manage a shaky breath and close my eyes.

“Aurora, what—”

“If I can’t say your name, then you can’t say mine, either.”

I don’t know where the words come from. A thrill always runs down my spine when he says my name. Yesterday, I thought it was because he annoyed and scared the shit out of me, but today, with my defenses decimated, it feels like so much more. I like it but don’t know why.

“You’re trembling,” he murmurs.

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not, but you’re obviously not going to tell me why, even if I ask.”

I can’t refute him since it’s true. I don’t know him well enough to reveal such a massive weakness. If my own mother will use my fears against me, what would he do with such knowledge?

“I told you; I didn’t sleep well.”

“I believe you. I’m also aware there’s more you’re not telling me.”

A nurse clears her throat from a few feet away. Blood rushes to my face as embarrassment rises from my toes as I realize we’re blocking the hall.

Giorgio apologizes and tucks me under his arm before leading me to the parking lot. Surprise rolls through me. I expected him to have a flashy sports car, but the sleek black sedan doesn’t detract from his lethal mafia persona, either. He opens the passenger door and offers me his hand.

I take it.

After helping me lower into my seat, he bends and slips his forearm under my knees. I squeak in alarm, but he pivots me toward the front of the car and settles my feet on the floorboard. His hand lingers on my calf before he wraps his thick digits around my ankle.

“Mio Dio, how the hell are you so small andfragile?”

I shift my bag on my lap, partially insulted but mostly really, really turned on. His hand feels gigantic around my ankle and his quietly rumbled words hold awe and yearning.

He pulls away with obvious reluctance and shuts the door before skirting around the front of the car and wedging himself into the driver’s seat.

Now I understand why he doesn’t drive around in a sports car. He wouldn’t fit.

After starting the car, he reaches for the shifter, but I grab his arm and blink at my wayward hand for a moment before my brain catches up.

“Wait, I… just a minute,” I mumble before dragging my hand away from his warmth and opening my bag.

He lifts a brow when I pull out the papers my mother shoved at me at the last second with a hissed warning. I pass him the stack and tuck my hair behind my ear.

“My mother told me to use this for our prenup. I haven’t read it yet, so I don’t know what it says, but…” Sitting in the surprisingly comfortable seat with the car buffering us away from the world, the adrenaline keeping me alert wanes, so I just shrug and finish lamely. “We should write our own.”

Gravity triples. I fight with my lashes until movement snaps me awake. He leans over me and opens the glove box.