An addiction forms. Lust hardens my cock faster than ever before as she stands her ground, all but daring me to squash her.
I need this. I need her.
This is a level of trust I never thought I’d earn from anyone, much less the angry little mafia princess who fainted at my feet six years ago.
She risked only her pride when she reached out to hold my hand before her blood draw, but by challenging me now, she risks her physical well-being along with her entire future.
Knowing I don’t deserve her but needing to earn her trust, I settle back in the chair and cross my arms over my chest.
She sighs and kicks off her sandals.
When she unbuttons the top button of her dress, I growl and tilt my head, indicating she move to my side of the exam table. After a moment of petulance, she strides to stand several paces beyond the foot of the table, far out of reach but in full view of my hungry eyes.
I can’t help but brace my knees further apart, requiring more room for my hard, throbbing cock, but despite the need roaring through me, I remind myself why I’m torturing myself like this.
Remembering her mother’s scowl cools my ardor.
Even as she strips with impersonal, efficient movements, I struggle to breathe as she reveals more of her curves. She shrugs her dress off her shoulders and uses the table for balance as she steps out of the fabric before folding and placing it on the counter.
My mouth waters. I want to peel her black, lacy bra and panties off with my teeth, but the material accentuates her curves so well it seems a shame to take them off before I have the chance to fully appreciate them.
I keep one arm tucked against my front, but bring my other fist to my mouth and bite my knuckle, needing the sting to remain in my seat.
She reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra with practiced ease, but her lips flatten in a grimace as she brings her arms in front of her.
“Where are you hurt, Aurora?”
Even as I ask, she smacks her folded bra on the counter and tucks her thumbs into the waistband of her panties.
Her high, pert breasts barely wobble as she pushes her panties down her legs and steps out of the tiny scrap of fabric.
Words elude me as she folds her undergarment as though I’m not even in the room and sets it on top of her other clothes. Completely nude except for the tape and cotton ball in the crookof her arm, she squares her body with mine and stands with her feet shoulder-width apart and her arms out beside her.
I cannot breathe. She’s perfect.
“No bruises. No scars. No abuse,” she says as she rotates her arms to show me the other sides.
Unable to help myself, I pull my knuckle away from my teeth and draw a tiny circle in front of me, demanding she spin around.
She sighs and rolls her eyes—actuallyrolls her eyes—before following my silent demand.
When I find nothing but smooth, tempting skin, I nod toward the gown and focus on regulating my breathing as my eyes follow her every move.
Mio Dio, my cock has never been so hard before. I’ve never wanted someone so viscerally before, either. I don’t know why our parents are conniving to see us married, but I’m extremely grateful they are.
She puts on the oversized gown and overlaps the flaps at the front before unlocking the door and pulling out the second step attached to the table.
Her glare warns me against offering help, and honestly, I might lose control if I so much as move a single muscle, so I remain as still as a statue even as the new doctor waltzes into the room.
The female proves kind, efficient—maybe a little too efficient for my taste—and unbiased throughout the entire examination. When she props her hip on the counter and finishes typing her findings on her laptop, I expect her to say the visit is over, but she clicks to a different screen and announces she has the results for Aurora’s basic bloodwork.
My future bride stops fiddling with the paper blanket draped over her lap and gives the physician her full attention.Something in her expression catches my eye, but she smooths her features in a calm mask before I can decipher what it means.
“Everything looks fine except your iron levels. A point or two lower and we’d consider you anemic, but it’s nothing to worry about,” the doctor says, assuring Aurora when she stiffens. “We can get you within normal range with an iron supplement and by increasing your intake of leafy green vegetables, red meat, and things like iron-enriched cereals.”
Aurora nods and thanks the doctor, who then says she’s free to dress and we can leave whenever we’re ready. After she closes the door behind her, Aurora turns a quizzical gaze my way.
“I’m not moving until you’re back in that dress,” I snarl.