Page 60 of Heartless Vows

Panic grips me until I realize my ragged breaths blow over the back of his hand. I pull my nails out of his back and search his expression.

My heart quails at the coldness in his eyes, and my pleasure gives way to discomfort as he puts emotional distance between us. With our bodies still locked together, his impersonal expression hurts.

“How do you know? When did you find out, and who else knows?”

He shifts his hand, tightens his grip on my face, and lean closer.

“If you say anything other than those three answers, I’m walking away. I don’t want to cross a line I can’t uncross.Capisci, Aurora?”

I nod. He lifts his hand. I take a deep, shaky breath before answering.

“I ran DNA tests on my family about five years ago. I think Otello suspects Tristan is his, but I don’t think he knows for sure.”

“Where are the results?”

“Hidden and encrypted. I’m the only one who can read the files.”

“Why’d you check for paternity?” he asks.

“I… My mom… I don’t think it was consensual. I think my uncle is why she locks our doors at night.”

“He lives with you?”

“On the third floor. Yesterday was the—”

All the air rushes from my lungs as he rises, taking his warmth and leaving me empty and alone.

“You’re not going back into that house,” he snarls as he stomps toward the bathroom. The play of his ass muscles as his trousers bunch underneath the firm globes and the bobbing of his drenched half-hard cock distract me, but warm wetness seeps from between my legs. I pull the corner of the comforter over me and glare at his back.

“My father will kill Tristan if he finds out. I can’t leave my brother there alone when he’s in danger!”

Giorgio’s massive frame barrels back toward me. I squeak as he pins me to the mattress.

“Youarein danger, Aurora. Have you ever stopped to wonder what your uncle would do toyouif he found out you knew? If he wants his son to inherit everything, I doubt marrying you off would be his first choice.”

I shake my head. He closes his fist around my throat, but I hiss and push against his chest.

“No one would ever accept me as the Achilles heir while Tristan is alive.” He quirks an eyebrow as though I’m stupid. I whack his shoulder. “Then why areyouthe Vivaldi heir and not your older sister?”

“Because Iama Vivaldi.” He’s too loud. Too angry. Too close. “Tristan is not an Achilles. If anyone—”

“Don’t shout at me!” I yell as panic washes over me.

There’s light. His body is warm over mine, but he’s much bigger than Tristan’s newborn body. My aunt isn’t screaming. I’m okay.

His mouth closes over mine, and I kiss him with every ounce of desperation trapped within my nightmares. When he pulls back, tears wet my face and misery squeezes my chest.

“This doesn’t change our plans, Giorgio,” I begin, despite the emotions clogging my throat. “I can’t abandon my brother, and we can’t kidnap him without starting a war, but I needed to tell you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. We can null the prenup. I don’t want—”

“I don’t care about the fucking prenup, Aurora. I care about you. I can rebuild wealth, but I can’t replace you. I love you,mia topolina, you smart, stubborn, frustrating woman. I need you.”

Too many emotions burst from me. As he pulls me into his lap with the comforter bundled around me, I respond to his declaration of love the way I wish I’d gotten to the first time.

“I love you, Giorgio. Please don’t hate me. I need you, too.”

“I could never hate you, Aurora.”

“Promise?” It’s shameless of me to ask, but I need his affirmation.