Page 64 of Ryder

Tiago smirks. “You told me to protect your woman. I was prepared.”

I’ve never loved my brother more. Bless him.

Smith whimpers like a fucking baby the entire time, muttering nonsense about Claire being his girl. I’m tempted to tape his goddamn mouth shut. As it is, he’s struggling to breathe with all the blood running into his mouth. I’m not about to wipe it up. He can go fuck himself.

I hear my incredibly strong woman behind me on the phone with the sheriff. She’s shockingly calm as she gives the details to whoever has answered the call.

Seconds later, I hear sirens, and I turn to see Claire fleeing the room. I’m sure she’s heading down to let law enforcement into the building.

The next hour is a whirlwind of activity as the sheriff and one of his deputies enter the room to take Smith into custody. Smith’s father arrives, too. The man seems none too pleased with his son’s behavior. If I had to guess, I’d say he was totally embarrassed.

Claire’s parents arrive in the middle of things. They came immediately when they heard the sirens. Most of the town is outside. I’m sure incidents like this are rare in Wilde. The gossip mills are probably already running at full speed.

I don’t care about anything but Claire’s safety. I keep a knee on Smith’s back until I’m certain the authorities have him under control and he’s no longer a threat to my girl, and then I take her in my arms.

She’s so fucking strong. She holds it together until everyone is gone and it’s just her and me in the room. Tiago has taken it upon himself to escort the sheriff back to the station to ensure Smith is truly locked up. Claire’s parents have hugged their daughter ten times before finally slipping out of the room.

I cup her face with both hands and meet her gaze, wanting to take stock of her emotions.

Finally, her lips tremble, and tears run down her cheeks as she wraps her arms around me. She sobs. “I was so scared.”

“You were so brave, baby.”

She hiccups as she tells me what happened before I arrived, gasping for oxygen several times in between snippets about lying to him about meeting me at the estate in two hours and how she told him she’d made a mistake falling for me and wanted him to take her away from Wilde.

I’m so fucking proud of her. I hold her closer and rock her back and forth as I smooth my hand down her messy braid. “You’re safe now, baby.”

Her chest keeps heaving as she tries to stop crying, but there’s no need. I don’t care how long she cries. I will be here, holding her. I will hold my woman through good times and bad for the rest of our lives.

She is my heart and soul.



I gasp and my eyes go wide at the sight before me as Ryder carries me bridal style into the pink room at the mansion. The room is lit by a dozen candles. Pink rose petals that match the décor are scattered all over the room. There are gifts everywhere. Pretty packages in every shape and size. All wrapped in a dozen different patterns of pink wrapping paper with multiple shades of pink bows.

The entire day was a blur. I’m glad we didn’t spend months planning the wedding or make a huge production out of it because I don’t know how anyone could even remember most of it afterward.

The weather was perfect. The ceremony was a small, intimate gathering that included my parents, Tiago, Thomas, and surprise guests I had no idea were coming—Ryder and Tiago’s parents. William and Teresa are lovely people. They were a bit shocked since they’d only been given a few days’ notice about the wedding, but they surprised us by arriving this morning. William hasn’t been to the estate since before Ryder was born. Teresa has never been here.

Even though the mansion is massive and can easily accommodate dozens of people, Tiago is staying in his RV out back tonight, and William and Teresa have a reservation at a B&B in town.

Ryder and I are alone in the mansion. I’m glad because I fully intend to do some screaming tonight.

He lowers me to my feet, but he keeps his arms around me from behind while I take in the wonderland. “I’m starting to think you love pink,” I tease.

He kisses my neck. “I loveyou, and I don’t care about anything else except whatever you love.”

It’s beautiful. Who knew I would find pink so inviting? The candles are creating a perfect romantic vibe.

Ryder spreads his fingers and flattens his palm on my stomach. I look down at the engraved leather wristband he gushed over when I gave it to him.

I love how he surrounds me, enveloping me, almost smothering me. After yesterday, I’m never going to balk at his need to hover again. It doesn’t matter that Smith is in custody; if my man insists on accompanying me everywhere I go for the rest of my life, I will not argue. I think he had a sixth sense yesterday. I won’t question him next time. Hopefully, there won’t be a next time.

His lips tease behind my ear. “Have I told you how gorgeous you are, baby?”

“About a hundred times.” I smile. I’ve been smiling since I woke up this morning. I was in Ryder’s arms. Before yesterday, I had considered not spending the night with him last night. The tradition of not seeing the groom before the wedding seemed kind of fun.