“Yes. Everyone in town will know by ten in the morning. I’ll make sure to hold your hand out for Arnie and Blue as soon as they come in. I bet business will be booming tomorrow. Maybe you should bake more than usual.”
She squeezes my thigh. “Stop teasing me. Are you going to show it to me?”
I reach into my pocket, pull out the box, and drop to one knee before my girl. “Claire Kennett, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man on Earth and marry me?”
Tears spring to her eyes as if she hadn’t seen this coming. It’s precious. Even though we’ve already established we’re getting married on Friday, this moment is important to her.
I flip open the box.
She gasps and reaches forward with shaky fingers.
I pull the small box out of her reach. “You have to answer me first.”
She giggles. “Yes, Ryder. I’ll marry you.”
I lift the ring from the velvet and take her hand in mine to slide it onto her finger. It’s even more perfect on her hand than it was at the jewelry store. The main diamond is big but not so large that it’s ostentatious. It’s surrounded by a dozen smaller diamonds. The setting is white gold. It glitters on her finger.
Claire holds her breath as she brings her hand up to look closer. “Ryder…it’s so beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like it, baby.” I stand and lift her hand between us to kiss her fingers.
“You really want to marry me?”
I kiss her lips next. “Yes, baby. It’s official. You can stop doubting me. My ring is on your finger. You’re going to be mine on Friday.”
“Where are we getting married?”
“I spoke to Thomas. He can perform the ceremony. I thought we could do it here. I’ll have Gretchen hire as many people as she needs to get several rooms downstairs in better shape. If the weather is nice, we’ll do it outside. If not, we’ll do it in the music room. What do you think?”
She smiles. “I think that’s perfect.”
“We should go eat dinner. I bet you all were waiting for me.” I drag her from the room.
“Oh, be sure to harass your brother. When he picked me up earlier, he made a date with a woman who was picking up pastries.”
I chuckle. Perfect. My turn to harass Tiago.
“Ryder, be reasonable.”
He shakes his head. “Baby, no.” He’s making me a cup of coffee exactly how I like it.
I’m leaning against the counter, arms crossed, arguing. I’ll never win an argument with this infuriating man I’m going to marry tomorrow, but I intend to win this one.
He smiles as he hands me my coffee. “Bear claw to go with it?”
I want to ignore the coffee, but it smells so good, and I badly need my caffeine fix. By this hour of the morning, I’ve usually consumed two cups. I didn’t work today, though. My parents insisted I take today off. The wedding is tomorrow. I’m also taking next week off.
I pick up the cup, take a few fortifying sips, and set it back on the counter. I’m glad Gretchen isn’t here yet, and Tiago hasn’t come downstairs. No one needs to listen to me arguing with my fiancé. Mostly because they usually laugh. Apparently, everyone finds us comical.
He lifts my chin with one finger, kisses me, and says, “No.”
“We have a lot to get done today. I have to pick up my dress. That might take a while if it needs alterations. Willow is going to make any changes while I wait. You aren’t supposed to see the dress.”