Page 33 of Ryder

I shrug. “Probably, but my father never spoke much about why he left town. None of his siblings did, either. It’s like they made a pact to walk away and never speak of their lives here. Tiago and I haven’t even told our parents we’re here yet.”

Roy nods slowly, but he’s frowning. “That’s sad.”

“Yes. I never realized there was much to tell. Kids have disagreements with their parents, leave home, and don’t go back. But this seems bigger than that.”

“I agree.” Roy stands and pats Claire on the shoulder. “I better get back out front to help your mother. Take your time, Claire. The early rush is over.”



As Roy leaves, Joyce returns, holding a steaming cup of coffee. She carefully leans between us to set it down. “How’s the sandwich? Would you like a pastry?”

“I’m fine. Thank you.”

She glances at Claire. “You’ll get him something if he changes his mind…?”

“Yes, Mom. Don’t worry. Ryder will let me know if he wants something else.”

“Good. Good.” She smiles warmly at me and holds my gaze for a few seconds before shaking out of her momentary trance and rubbing her hands together. “Well, I better get back out front. It was so nice meeting you, Ryder. Come around any time.”

“Thank you, Joyce.”

As soon as the door shuts behind her, leaving me alone with Claire, I turn toward her and cup her face. “What’s with the sweater, baby? Were you afraid your nipples would harden when I arrived and your parents would notice?” I tease. I seriously doubt that’s the reason for the sweater, but it’s worth a shot.

Her eyes widen for a moment, and then she nods and pulls it around her tighter. “That would be embarrassing.”

I stare at her, my mind racing. What the fuck? She’s lying. Why? I glance down at the bulky sweater. It’s way too thick for today. It would be cumbersome in the bakery. And a sheen of sweat is gathering at her temples.

“Were you wearing that before I got here, Claire?” I will nail her down on this. I just need to figure out what the fuck is going on. I casually eat more of my sandwich while I watch her fidget.

“Jeez, Ryder. Let it go. Maybe I just like this sweater. Why are you harping about it?”

“Because you’re lying to me, baby.” I take another bite. The sandwich is delicious. My woman is hiding something from me. “Did you get a tattoo in the middle of the night?” I reach up to push the sweater off her shoulder as if I might reveal a tattoo, but she jumps to her feet, preventing me from touching her.

I’m startled and beyond concerned. This is not the Claire I met yesterday. She’s skittish. Something is wrong. Maybe she’s changed her mind about me and doesn’t want me to see so much of her skin. But she obviously gave her parents a glowing report because they seemed very pleased about my presence.

I stand and reach for her bicep. “Hey…” The moment I wrap my fingers around her arm, she winces.

What. The. Fuck.

“Claire.” My voice is firm. I’m starting to panic now. “What are you hiding?”

She takes another step back, pulling the sweater around her. “Nothing. I should get back to work. Text me later?”

I shake my head as I approach her. “You have two choices—take that sweater off right here and now or lead me upstairs and do it.” Whatever this is about, she’s hiding it from her parents, too.

She draws in a breath. “You’re just as pushy today as you were yesterday.”

“Yes, baby. I’m a bossy guy. I will be bossy for the rest of your life, but this morning, I’m concerned about you. I’m not leaving until I have answers.” I’m out of possibilities.

She lowers her head and shoulders. Her voice is faint. “Can we talk about it later, please? Tomorrow or something?”

“No. We can talk about it right now, baby. Take the sweater off.”

She lifts her face, and my heart nearly stops. There are tears glistening in her eyes. “Ryder, I’m asking you to trust me. Please.” Her voice wobbles. She’s close to crying. Am I upsetting her? She’s shaking.

“And I’m askingyouto trustme, baby.” It’s hard to keep my voice low and steady. I don’t step closer or touch her. “There’s not a chance in hell I’m leaving here without answers.”