If I could get past him, open the door, and hurry into the stairwell, I would, but he’s blocking me. I’d never make it even if I tried. I’m certain I didn’t do nearly enough damage to his crotch. I’m not strong enough. He’s already righting himself.
He tips his head back and glares at me, threatening me with a look that makes me shudder and take a step back.Fuck. I’d happily add tenfucksto Ryder’s swear jar and accept my spanking if it got me out of this mess.
“What did you do, Claire? Did you go up to that mansion and fuck one of them?” he grits out. “Did you? Did you whore yourself for a chance at a better life?”
“Fuck you, Smith. Get out of here. We are not an item.”
“The hell we’re not. The entire town knows you’re mine. They’re all just waiting for you to admit it and marry me.”
“Marry you?” My voice squeaks. “That’s never going to happen, Smith. We’re not compatible.” After today, I realize we’ve never been compatible in about a million ways.
Before I met Ryder, I had nothing to compare Smith to. I certainly couldn’t compare him to the two guys I kissed in high school. I knew there were no sparks, but a part of me wondered if that was just life. Not that I was willing to settle. I’ve never once considered settling for the likes of Smith. Gross. But I did question how in love most couples I know are.
The one steady example I have in my life that reminds me daily not to go out with anyone who doesn’t make my heart race is my parents. They adore each other. My father treats my mother like spun gold. He would never disrespect her the way Smith just disrespected me—not in a million years.
So, no. I wouldn’t have settled for Smith even if I’d never met Ryder, but now that I’ve felt the kind of spark I’ve dreamed of and read in books, I’ll never let myself fall into a Smith trap again.
I may be delusional, thinking I could ever have anything real with Ryder, but I’ll take what I learned today and strengthen my resolve to wait for a man who worships me. If I die an old maid, so be it.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Claire. We’re destined for each other. It’s not like you have dozens of men lined up to date you.”
It suddenly occurs to me that the reason no one has asked me out in ages is because Smith has told everyone I’m unavailable. Not that there are hordes of men in my age range looking for a girlfriend or wife, but there are some. None have approached me. Fuck him. Fuck all of them. I know every man under the age of thirty-five in this town. None of them make my blood pump.
Except, now, I know a man who is forty, and he definitely makes my blood pump faster. He’s in a league far above any man in this town. I don’t even care that he’s forty.
“Go home, Smith,” I order, standing as tall as my five-four height allows. I won’t be intimidated by Smith—at least not outwardly. I need to get inside. I’m going to do so right now. I can collapse after I get on the other side of this door. Until then, I need to keep my wits, avoid letting my hands shake, and prevent him from seeing my fear.
I stomp right up to the door, inches from where Smith leans against the wall, and put my key in the lock. Damn, I’m glad I manage to do so without dropping the keys.
Smith grabs my arm before I can open the door. “We’re not done here, Claire.”
“Yes, we are.” I wince. He’s gripping my bicep too firmly again. “Let go of me.”
“Don’t be like this, Claire. You and I…we’re good together.”
I spin to face him. “We arenot, Smith. We never were. There’s nothing between us. Why would you want to spend your life with a woman you don’t love and have no particular interest in?”
He glances down at my chest and smirks—a mean, ugly smirk that makes me want to punch him. “I have interest, honey. Lots of it. And I’ve put up with your prudish behavior for far longer than most men would tolerate. If you’d stop squeezing your legs together, I’ll show you exactly how much interest I have.”
I cringe. How disgusting and crude can he be? I’ve been blind to this side of Smith. I knew he was a bit of a cocky dick, but I didn’t know he could be violent and insulting. Does he seriously think that letting him fuck me would turn me on?
“Let go of me,” I grit out.
He squeezes harder, making me wince. Tears come to my eyes. “Not until you admit you’re mine.”
I cringe at those words. They were the last words Ryder spoke to me before I left the mansion. Coming from him, they sounded sweet and endearing. When Ryder says I’m his, he does so with devotion. Maybe I should have told him to fuck off for being so possessive, but I like his brand of possessive.
Ryder may not remember me tomorrow. I’m not at all convinced he truly intends to have a life with me. How could he possibly know after one day? But his words and actions toward me today were sincere in the moment. He felt things for me. He also didn’t try to get in my pants. In fact, he insisted he would not take me to his bed. Not until I beg. That thought alone makes my face heat.
I won’t let Smith ruin the words Ryder spoke to me. I seethe at him. “I’m not yours, Smith. I’ll never be yours. Are you listening to me? Let go of me before I scream so loudly that I alert everyone in the vicinity.”
Still gripping my arm, he lifts his other hand to grab my chin, forcing me to face him. “Your feisty defiance is only making my dick harder, Claire. You want to play hard to get? Let’s play. Do you have fantasies of being chased through the woods and taken against your will? I can make that happen.”
I stop breathing. Would he do that? He certainly could. “Don’t you dare come near me again, Smith. I’m done talking to you. Don’t come into my parents’ bakery. Don’t even walk past it. If I see you again, I’ll tell the entire town you tried to rape me.”
He chuckles, making my skin crawl. “No one would believe you, honey. They all think we’re an item. Most people probably believe we’ve been fucking for years. How can it be rape when a man provides his girl with a fantasy she’s been dreaming about?”
I yank my chin out of his grip. My jaw hurts. I give him a hard shove before somehow unlocking the door, pulling it open, and rushing into the stairwell.