He growls. “I’m taking you, Claire, because you’re mine.”
“Maybe you’re right, Smith. Maybe I’m a fool. I should’ve paid more attention to you. I didn’t realize you were so into me. I see how much you care about me. Let’s do this.”
“If you’re fucking with me, Claire, you’ll regret it.”
“I’m not. I’m serious. I need help. I can’t go through with this wedding.”
He snickers. “You wanna be my runaway bride, little Claire?”
“Yes. God, yes.”
He releases me. “Pack some things. Do it quick.”
“We have plenty of time. I’m supposed to meet him back at the mansion in two hours,” I tell him. I hope to God he won’t wait that long to come find me. Or Tiago. He will surely come check on me.
I don’t look at Smith as I rush over to the closet and pull it open. The only things left inside are frivolous boxes of childhood artwork and ribbons I won for spelling bees and math contests. There’s nothing in here to wear. Nor is there even a backpack. Everything like that is packed in the boxes against the wall.
Maybe I could open them and make a show of going through things, looking for what I might need to run away with Smith.
I need to do something to stall him. I have no idea how he thinks he’s going to get me out of the house past Tiago. I’m not sure if he even knows Tiago is downstairs. How long has Smith been up here waiting? How did he know I would be here?
I can do this. I can take my time. There’s no way Smith is going to manage to take me out of town.
“Hey,” I say as soon as Tiago answers his phone.
“’Sup?” he asks.
“Where are you?”
“The Kennetts’ kitchen. Just finished the best sandwich of my life. Too bad Claire doesn’t have any sisters.”
I smile. I’m glad my brother approves of my woman and her parents. “Listen, I got tied up with Thomas. Claire’s not answering her phone. Can you let her know I’m on my way there now?”
“Sure, but if you’re on your way from the law office, you’ll be here in like two minutes. You can tell her yourself,” he jokes.
I blow out a breath. “I just wanted to give her a heads-up.”
He chuckles. “You’re so whipped. Fine. I’ll tell her. See you soon.” He hangs up as I climb into Claire’s car.
I pocket my phone and start the engine. I don’t know why I called Tiago, except that something has my hackles up. It’s a weird feeling. I’ve had it for the last ten minutes. I finally had to tell Thomas I needed to go. We’ll finish our meeting about his idea to suspend everyone’s rent for a few months another day.
His plan is a great one. I bet the townsfolk would be greatly relieved if they didn’t have to pay rent and could get back on their feet. Nearly every business in town is in the red. A rent freeze would boost morale and buy time.
But I can’t focus on that because my mind is on Claire. Maybe I’m being overprotective. I know I’m almost suffocating her, and she would freak out if she knew I just walked out on Thomas because I had a bad feeling.
Claire is fine. She’s packing her room. Tiago is with her. I’m overreacting. It’s just that I’ve finally found the most perfect woman in the world, and I want her to be with me, not my brother.
I want Claire attached to my hip. I hate it when I’m away from her. It’s irrational. Nothing is going to happen to her. That Smith guy wouldn’t harass her in broad daylight.
I pull Claire’s car up next to the Cadillac my brother used to drive Claire around. I smile when I see the clothing bag hanging from the hook in the back seat. That would be her wedding dress.
I’m getting married tomorrow. I never thought this would happen to me. I’m forty years old. No woman has ever tempted me to walk down the aisle—until Claire. God, I love her.
I enter the kitchen from the back and find Tiago stuffing a pastry in his mouth.