Page 50 of Ryder

“Ashow?” I’m certain I don’t like this plan.

“Leave it to me, baby.”

It turns out Ryder is a huge help. He’s not afraid to get his hands dirty, and he’s a fast learner. By the time we open the doors at six o’clock, he has won my father over completely, and I’m pretty sure my mother is half in love with him.

The morning rush isn’t too overwhelming, and Ryder learns to use the cash register and the coffee machine. I’m impressed.

Before we opened, he went upstairs with me to find something I could wear that would cover my bruises. We found an old T-shirt with three-quarters-length sleeves in the back of my closet. It has the logo for the town’s barbershop on it. I can’t remember why I have it, but it fits, and it works. I cover it with an apron.

I’m pretty sure the highlight of Ryder’s day was pulling my shirt over my head so he could put the new one on me. He tossed the first one onto my bed and took his sweet time looking at my plain-white-bra-covered breasts before helping me into the new one.

It didn’t matter to Ryder that I told him I could dress myself or that he should wait in the hallway. He ignored me, and his damn heated stare made my panties wet.

When Arnie and Blue come in, they seem startled to find Ryder working behind the counter.

“Good morning, gentlemen. What can I get for you?”

I pretend to wipe down a few tables, trying not to laugh out loud.

Arnie frowns. “Aren’t you one of Wilde’s grandsons? I saw you in here yesterday.”

“Yep. That’s me, Ryder. My brother Tiago has also arrived. We’ll hold a town meeting soon to listen to the issues that need to be addressed.”

Arnie looks skeptical, as expected. “What are you doing working in the bakery?”

“Ah, well…” He turns his head to meet my gaze and winks. “I find myself smitten with Claire.” He leans partially over the counter and lowers his voice conspiratorially. “Seems like the best way to win over a girl is by impressing her parents, don’t you think?”

Arnie continues to stare at Ryder. He’s probably too stunned to respond.

Blue grunts. “Aren’t you a bit old for Claire, son?” he asks.

Ryder doesn’t flinch. It’s like he expected to get this reaction. “Eh, age is just a number. When you meet the right woman, you just know.” He comes out from behind the counter, pulls me into his arms, cups my face, and kisses me soundly.

His face is beaming when he returns. “Shoot, I got carried away and haven’t even prepared you gentlemen a coffee.”

It takes every ounce of self-control I have to keep from jumping into Ryder’s arms and wrapping my legs around him. His plan is brilliant. The entire town will know I’ve been claimed by Ryder Wilde before lunch.



“There are a hell of a lot more people here than I expected,” Tiago mutters in my ear as we stand in front of a large crowd of locals two nights later. It’s a Saturday, and apparently, every person who is able-bodied has come out to hear what we have to say.

We’re holding this town meeting in the school gymnasium because it’s the largest gathering place in town.

Tiago leans in again. “I’m not sure if they care more about the town’s financial state of affairs or your relationship with Claire,” he jokes.

He’s right, and I have no idea whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing yet. What I do know is that I would never hide my relationship with Claire for any reason, so whatever the fallout is—good or bad—we’ll deal with it.

Claire and her parents are sitting in the front row. She keeps smiling at me encouragingly.

Tiago taps the mic to get everyone’s attention. “Good evening, folks.” He waits a moment for the murmuring to die down. “As I’m sure most of you are aware, I’m Tiago Wilde, and this is my brother Ryder. For those who have lived here a long time, our father is William Wilde, Amos’s oldest child.”

I’m kind of glad Tiago offered to get things started. I’m not afraid to speak, but the town has far less interest in Tiago since he’s not sleeping with one of their own.

I’m not technically doing more thansleepingwith one of their own, either. I still haven’t taken Claire any further than I did the first night she was in my bed. I’m kind of smug that I make her come every day at the end of the day without penetrating her. The fact that I’ve managed to do so without even thrusting my tongue into her is a miracle.

Tiago takes a few minutes to explain the will and the fact that we have every intention of helping the economy get back on track. When he mentions the website, he passes the mic to me. I explain my background and my thoughts on helping the townsfolk lure tourists back to the area.