“But I’m…naked.”
I smile. “Yeah, and so fucking sexy.” The only thing marring my perfect girl is the fucking bruises on her arms. I’m trying to ignore them. They won’t last forever.
She nods and rushes toward the bathroom, returning a few minutes later with a wet washcloth. Instead of handing it to me, she cleans my chest and heads back to the bathroom.
The next time she returns, I manage to prop myself up on my elbow and watch her. I’ve tucked my cock back into my briefs. She climbs back onto the bed, glancing around. “Can I have my shirt now?”
“No.” It’s stuffed under my pillow. I reach for her and pull her into my arms so that I’m spooning her. I pull the covers over us and tuck my arm under her chest. “I want you naked in our bed,” I whisper in her ear.
“I can’t sleep naked,” she whispers back wearily.
I kiss her neck. “You’ll get used to it.”
“Mmm.” I’m not going to back down on this. There’s no way my sexy woman is going to put a barrier between us in bed. I stroke her stomach. “Close your eyes.”
“I’ve never slept with someone before. I won’t be able to rest with you touching me.”
“You will,” I assure her. Also, not optional. She’s not sleeping without my arms around her. I can’t believe I somehow found the perfect woman two days ago, and now I have her in my bed. I don’t even care that we’re surrounded by pink bedding. I’ll put up rose wallpaper if that’s what she wants.
I know she’s not even close to sleeping. Her body is very tense. I keep stroking her skin.
“Can I at least have panties?”
I chuckle. “Nope.”
She sighs. “So bossy.”
“You’re wearing underwear.”
“Only because my cock would somehow find a way into your tight pussy if I weren’t. After we have sex, I won’t wear briefs either.”
“Why do you get to make all the rules?”
I chuckle again. “I don’t get to makeallthe rules, just most of them.”
“Because I’m older.”
She groans. “That’s ridiculous. You can’t play that card for fifty years.”
“I bet I can. I think I will. Every time I deny one of your requests, I’ll say it’s because I’m older and know better.”
She twists her head around so she can look me in the eyes. “How is sleeping naked knowing better?”
She makes me smile more than I’ve smiled in ten years. “Because Iknowthat I want your smooth skin against me in the night, and IknowI want easy access to your pussy, and Iknowit’ll keep you needy and aroused.”
I kiss Claire to stop her arguing, loving how she responds to my mouth on hers every time.
She moans into my mouth, pliable and soft within seconds.
When I end the kiss, I give her a squeeze. “Sleep, baby. I set my alarm for three. Does that give you enough time to get ready?”
“Yes. I don’t need much time in the morning.”