Page 20 of Ryder

Tiago speaks before he sits. “Thank you so much for cooking for us, Gretchen. Please join us.”

She waves him off. “Goodness no. Eat. Enjoy.” She rushes from the room.

I admit I wish she would sit at this massive table and eat with us also, but I suspect she’s never once sat in one of these chairs. It does endear me to these men that they aren’t treating her like she’s beneath them.

“Ladies first,” Ryder declares as he nods toward the food.

I pick up my plate and reach for a sandwich before it occurs to me that I should probably use a utensil.

“Go ahead and touch it,” Ryder says. “Tiago and I aren’t formal.” He winks at me. “There’re napkins this time. I won’t have to lick your fingers clean.”

My face heats again. “Stop it,” I hiss at him. He’s so exasperating.

Tiago ignores his brother, thankfully, and starts talking as we all fill our plates. “I read through the entire file from the lawyer while you two were kissing in every room of the house.”

I purse my lips. Apparently, both brothers intend to taunt me. Great.

“I managed to read through some of it last night,” Ryder says. “You must have been able to stay awake through the legalese longer than me.”

Tiago shrugs and glances at me. “Sorry. I won’t bore you with the will over lunch.”

Is he kidding? I’d love to get my hands on that will. I want to hear every detail, but it’s not my place. I’m an outsider. I glance at Ryder.

He grabs my hand on top of the table and gives it a squeeze. “Go ahead and give us the gist of it. You won’t bore Claire. I’m pretty sure the reason she showed up with pastries this morning was because she was hoping to hear more of the juicy details.”

I gasp. Does he have to be so blunt? “Do you have no filter?” I ask him.

He chuckles. “I have one. I just don’t intend to use it around you because I love shocking you. Plus, I’m right. Don’t try to deny it. If you lie, I’ll add the infraction to your naughty jar.”

I can’t believe he just said that in front of his brother. I can’t believe I’m shocked. I’m going to have to find my spine if I’m going to hold my own around this man.

I look toward Tiago. “Was he dropped on his head as a baby?”

Tiago laughs. “To be honest, I’ve never seen him like this. He must really like you.” He glances from me to Ryder and back a few times. “Tell me about this naughty jar.”

Ryder opens his mouth, but before he can speak, I drop my fork and reach over to clasp my palm over his lips. “If you want me to stay for the rest of the afternoon, you won’t answer that. And if you ever want to have any hope of getting in my pants, you’ll stop oversharing.”

Finally, I’ve shocked the man. When I release his lips, he purses them and makes a zipping motion with his fingers.

Tiago is silently laughing so hard that his chest is heaving. “I think I finally have a sister-in-law. Welcome to the family.”

I shake my head. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’ve known this oaf for one day, and he’s on thin ice.”

Tiago swallows his next bite and shrugs. “Seems to me that you might push him hard enough to make him fall through the ice and then laugh while he sputters and flaps in the cold water. I’m down for that. I don’t think he’s ever met a woman who can hold her own with him.”

“I’d certainly consider it,” I agree. “Now, as for the will, Ryder is right. I’m curious. I would never ask you to share family secrets, but like I told Ryder when I met him, the town is nervous. I’m sure nearly all of them have found out I’m here today and are waiting with bated breath to find out what I know.”

Tiago is frowning. “Why?”

“Because as far as the folks living in Wilde are concerned, the future of the town hinges on what you guys decide to do with your grandfather’s money. The town is hanging on by a thread. Old Man Wilde owned everything, and now, you do. The buildings are in disrepair—the entire infrastructure, really. Rent is unattainable because tourism has come to a near halt. It’s a giant circle. Many people have already moved away. Those remaining are hoping for a miracle.”

Tiago holds my gaze, his brows furrowed. “Shit.” He glances at Ryder. “The old guy really was an asshole. No wonder his kids moved away and never came back.”

Ryder nods. “So, did you determine if we have the power to fix things?”

Tiago nods. “I don’t see why not. It kind of depends on the lawyer, McAndrews. He’s the executor. We have to go through him for the next decade to get what we need, but when I spoke to him early this morning, he seemed like a good guy.”

“He is,” I inform them. “His hands were tied with regard to your grandfather. The man was eccentric and made unusual choices no one could talk him out of, including Thomas McAndrews. But I don’t think you’ll have trouble getting him to sign off on whatever you ask for to better the town. It’s in his best interest, too.”