Page 66 of Lily

“I’m lots of fun.” He slid his hands under her dress and up her back until he could grip her bare skin. “I just don’t think most aspects of D/s are a good idea for you.”

“You won’t restrain me. You won’t spank me. You won’t tease me. You won’t let me suck you off. No collars. No nudity. No kneeling. No blindfolds. It’s a kink club, Stefano.”

He chuckled. She was right. It was a kink club, and damn, she had learned a hell of a lot about kink in the last year, but he still wasn’t fond of the idea of triggering her. She was a survivor of sex trafficking. It made him nervous.

“If you won’t dominate me, maybe I should dominate you. How about that?”

He flinched. “Not a chance, sweetheart, but nice try.”

Her shoulders dropped. “Can we negotiate? All the other men let their women do at least some of the things.”

He sighed. Maybe this had become important to her, but he wanted her to be doing it for the right reasons. Just because everyone else was doing it was not a valid reason. “How about this? We’ll come on a night when the club is open soon. We’ll wander around so you can watch all the different kinks. If something seems titillating and doesn’t trigger you, we’ll try it at home first.” That’s as far as he was willing to bend. The thought of sending his woman into a panic made him feel sick. He’d never forgive himself.

She sat straighter. “Yeah? You’ll do that?”

“I will. We’ll come on a Friday or Saturday.”

“This week?”

He chuckled. “Sure. This week.” What the hell was he signing up for?

She hugged him, rocking her body forward so that his cock grew twice as hard against her pussy. She was going to be the death of him.

Finally, she leaned back and smiled. “We should go inside before we miss something like a gender reveal.”

“I don’t think they’re going to have a gender reveal, Rose. They’ve been pretty adamant about not finding out the baby's gender before it’s born.”

“Well, there will be games and stuff. Let’s go.” She reached for the handle on his door, opened it, and awkwardly climbed off his lap to jump down to the ground.

He followed her, shut the door, and opened the back door to grab the gift they’d brought.

When they reached the entrance, Roselia stared at the Roses and Thorns logo and shuddered. She did so every time they came. “I still can’t believe that was tattooed on my thigh,” she murmured before adding, “And you were manipulating a dog chip in my body.”

He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “It’s gone now. No more tattoos.”

She looked up at him as they entered. “What if I want to get one?”

He drew in a breath. Being married to a woman half his age meant she ran circles around him most days and caused him to have near heart attacks. It didn’t bother him so much for her to have a tattoo, but the thought of her enduring the pain made him cringe.

Granted, he had the same concerns about childbirth. He would probably be one of those crazy fathers, pacing around the room for hours in a panic over his wife’s suffering.

The thought of having a tiny human comprised of both of them, though, made him all warm and fuzzy inside. She might not have baby fever, but he sure did. Thank goodness it didn’t really matter much if they waited another year or two.

“You’re here!”

Stefano lost his grip on Roselia’s hand the moment five other women ran forward to hug her. This was a thing with these women. No matter when they’d last seen each other, they always greeted each other as though it had been ten years. They also all talked at once as if they hadn’t spoken on the phone six times already that day.

While the six of them rushed off to join the other women in the room, Stefano set their gift on the table in the main room and joined the men.

He shook Colter’s and Bridger’s hands first. “You ready for this?”

They both chuckled. “Not a chance,” Colter said, “but I doubt anyone ever is.”

Khai rubbed his palms on his thighs. “At least there’s three of you. You can each take turns sleeping. I’m worried we might need more than two adults in the house to manage one baby,” he joked.

Damon smirked. “Colter and Bridger are going to make it look so easy that all the women are going to want a baby.”

Jagger laughed. “That’s my fear, too.”