Page 6 of Lily

“Yes, Sir,” she responded. Holy shit. The thought of him using a crop on her nipples or her private parts made her mouth dry. Was he serious?

“I’ll show you to your room. It’s late. Tomorrow, you may start at six instead of five. After that, we’ll get you on a regular schedule. Girls are more productive when they follow a regular schedule, don’t you agree, Lily?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Come.” He turned away from her.

She rose quickly to her feet as gracefully as possible and followed him. She tried to pay close attention and memorize where they were going in the house. He headed for a set of stairs in the back of the kitchen. They were almost hidden.

While they ascended, he informed her, “These are the servants’ stairs. You’ll use them at all times unless you are dusting the grand staircase at the front of the house.”

She followed him up two flights to the third floor. They emerged into a hallway that had six doors. “None of these rooms are currently occupied except for the one I’ve prepared for you. The rooms are all empty. You will only need to dust the floors occasionally.”

She noted he opened the second door on the left, and she followed him in.

Her Master stood back and swept out a hand. “Everything you could possibly need is in here.”

She looked around. There was a narrow twin bed with gray sheets and a gray blanket folded up at the end. There was also a nightstand with a clock on it, a bookshelf filled with whatever the approved reading material was, a wooden chair, and a braided oval gray rug on the floor.

There was notably no dresser. That was disappointing, but he’d said her uniforms were in the closet, so that was promising.

Master pointed to one door. “Closet.” And then the other across the room. “Bathroom.” He also lifted his pointer toward the corner of the ceiling. “Do not forget. You have no privacy.” He faced her. “Will I have to worry about you diddling yourself?”

“No, Sir.”

He lifted a brow, looked up and down her naked body, and slowly smiled. “You are so damn lovely. Please don’t make me punish those nipples. I’d hate for you to spend your days with them red and swollen.”

She swallowed hard, but her mouth was so very dry. The urge to cover her breasts was strong, but she didn’t dare.

“Shower and get to bed immediately. Set the alarm for six. Change it to five after tonight. Do not disappoint me, Lily. I paid a lot of money for the perfect slave. I expect you to ensure I do not regret my decision.” With that, he turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Chapter Two

Roselia stared at the closed door for long moments, uncertain what to do. She hadn’t been alone in four months. Not even for a moment. There had always been trainers around if Master J could not be. She’d even slept in the same room as the other five slaves on narrow cots placed only a few feet apart.

The first thing she did when she was finally able to yank out of her stupor was head for the bathroom. She opened the door and found herself smiling. It was nothing more than a boring gray bathroom. Very small. Toilet, sink, small glass shower.

There was a gray bath towel hanging perfectly on a rack next to the shower, a gray hand towel hanging with precision next to the sink, and a gray rug on the floor. Obviously, Master liked gray, or he refused to allow her any color.

She didn’t care. The thought of taking a shower by herself, washing her own body, peeing alone… They were luxuries she had been denied for four months. If she could keep her head down, do as she was told, and follow his rules, this new life would be an improvement.

Except for the possibility of sex. He hadn’t mentioned a word about fucking her.

She shuddered and put it out of her mind as she reached into the glass enclosure and turned on the water. She held her hand under it, half expecting to find it wasn’t attached to a water heater and would not get warm. However, to her delight, it did. When the water was hot enough, she stepped in and let the spray run down her body.

The collar on her neck was heavy and annoying. It was going to take some getting used to. It was certainly effective. No way in hell would she go near a door or lean out a window. Which also meant she was truly a slave in this prison.

She finally let tears run down her cheeks. Now that she was in the shower, they would mingle with the water. She would let herself cry quietly in the shower. She wouldn’t wipe her eyes or let any sound come out, but she could have this one privacy. She could let tears fall.

A glance at the corners of the room revealed two cameras in this small space. One was in the corner of the inside of the shower, and one was across from the toilet. It was invasive but so much better than what she was used to.

Another bonus. So far, her Master had not touched her sexually. If he didn’t intend to spend most of every day edging her by playing with her nipples and labia, this would be another blessing. After months of nudity and constant inspection and comments about her intimate parts, she almost didn’t care what uniforms Master had in that closet. She’d take it.

Not wanting to start her first day in trouble for lingering in the shower, she quickly washed her hair and then grabbed the body wash. Her hands were shaking as she started with her arms. It felt weird to touch herself. The hot water was heaven. The soap wasn’t expensive, but it smelled better than whatever Master J’s trainers had used on her.

The collar was very awkward. It was hard to wash around it. It was also tight. That was intentional. As she ran her fingers under the edge, she found the two small prongs that would shock her if she tried to leave.

She lowered her hand, trembling at the weight of her plight. She was stuck here. For how long? He wouldn’t live forever. Maybe there was a phone somewhere. Could she find it and call for help? What about a computer? She would have to pay close attention all the time until she found a way to escape. It was her only hope.