Page 4 of Lily

She flinched. Was he serious?

“I don’t intend to use it for punishment. If you misbehave in my home, I will discipline you in many ways. Shocking you won’t be one of them. The collar keeps you from leaving the house. You will not be able to exit through any door or window without collapsing in unbearable pain. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” Her voice was wobbly. She was scared out of her mind. She had no idea if this Master would be worse or better than her last. She would find out soon, but if the collar and his threats of punishment were any indication…

“You cannot remove the collar, so I suggest you not try. It’s permanent. I will not even need to remove it when the battery needs replacing. I’ll do that through the box in the front.”

Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.

“You’ll get used to the weight of it in time. It will become a comfort to you. You will feel peace, knowing that my home is your bubble. It’s up to you whether your stay here is pleasant or not.”

Peace? Is he insane?

“Please assume the wait position I know you’ve been taught, Lily.”

Shit. She quickly spread her feet shoulder-width apart and clasped her hands behind her back. How had she not done this before?

“That’s better. Any time I’m talking to you, I expect you to stand in this position facing me unless I tell you otherwise. Pull your shoulders back, Lily. Tits higher. If I have to tell you that in the future, I will swat your tits several times to remind you and teach you a lesson. Do I make myself clear?”

She shuddered. “Yes, Sir.” Apparently, her new Master would not hesitate to injure her.

“Your body is the reason I purchased you despite your lack of training. Your hair is glorious. Your skin tone makes men salivate. Your high, pert, small breasts with their tiny dark nipples are divine. Your waist is slim enough I could span it with my hands. I’ve seen many photos of your pussy. I know it’s perfection. In essence, you are a work of art, and now, you are my piece of art to look at whenever I want.”

Her head was spinning. Until she’d been abducted, she’d never thought much about her appearance. She hadn’t had the time or money to care about her hair, clothes, or makeup. She’d gone to school, done her homework, helped her mother around the apartment, and slept. Her clothes had been from second-hand shops. She hadn’t ever had professional haircuts, and Lord knows she hadn’t owned makeup. Her mother hadn’t believed in vanity, and she’d drilled that into Roselia from a young age.

Then, she’d been kidnapped and sent to Master J’s home, where she’d been treated as a sex object. Not a human being at all. Evidently, that would not change at her new Master’s house.

“Let’s go over some expectations, shall we, Lily?”

“Yes, Sir.” She jerked herself out of her thoughts. She needed to pay attention or risk punishment.

He chuckled. “Good girl. So eager to learn. First of all, my estate is large. Until today, I’ve had a staff of three women who maintained the inside. They have all been let go. You are their replacement. I expect you to explore the entire home first thing tomorrow. The rooms you are not permitted to enter are locked. Everything else is your domain. I expect you to learn how I like things and maintain the estate to this same standard from now on.”

She was replacing three people?

“I have provided you with an alarm clock in your room. You will rise at five every morning. I expect you to be presentable and in the kitchen by five-fifteen. I expect my coffee to be brought to me in my bedroom at six—breakfast in the dining room at six-thirty. I’ve left detailed instructions and recipes in a binder on the kitchen counter. Do you have any questions so far?”

“No, Sir.” It was hard to get her voice high enough to be heard.

“The binder also contains meal suggestions for lunch, which you will serve me again in the dining room at noon. Dinner at six. In between meals, you will keep this home spotless. Again, all of this is listed in the binder. I like my laundry done on certain days. Linens, sheets, towels, and clothes. You will tidy up my room immediately after breakfast. Your own room will be kept impeccable at all times, too. When you come downstairs at five-fifteen, your bed will be perfectly made, your towels hung straight, nothing out of place. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Sir.” She struggled not to shudder. All she could think about was whether she would be required to sleep with this man. If she was to have her own room, she would not be sleeping in his bed, but would he be fucking her? He’d paid a million dollars for her virginity.

Master Leonardo Vanderbilt was his name. He’d told her that as soon as he’d settled her in the back seat of his Lincoln. His friends called him Leo. She would be expected to call him Master.

She guessed him to be approximately sixty and not in very good health. He was overweight, wheezed when he walked, and seemed to move rather slowly. The thought of him putting his penis in her made her want to vomit.

“You will not be idle. I do not allow idle girls to sit around doing nothing. I expect you to find some work to do at all times except when I request your presence. My home is equipped with extremely sensitive and advanced cameras in every room. I can monitor them at all times from my computer, tablet, and phone. You will not like the consequences of me finding you lollygagging.”

Her heart was beating so fast it was a wonder it wasn’t coming out of her chest. The unexpected was worse than the expected. The next few days would be filled with the unexpected, keeping her on edge and frightened.

“After dinner, you will service me in any way I find necessary until I release you. I will usually do so at approximately eight o’clock unless I require something more from you on a given evening.”

Something more? Involving sex?

“You will have time to yourself in your room from eight until five. That’s ample downtime. Nine hours. You will use your evenings wisely, though. I expect you to shower at night and go to bed with dry hair. I have stocked a bookshelf with approved reading material. I suggest you get plenty of sleep each night. I won’t tolerate yawning during the day. And, yes, in case you’re wondering, there are cameras in your room and your bathroom. You will not have privacy in my home. You will remember your place at all times. You live to serve me. Even when you are alone, you will obey my rules. I know from the notes I received from your previous Master that you were not permitted to diddle with your titties or your pussy. This same rule still applies. The only time your naughty fingers will be near your greedy titties and pussy will be long enough to wash in the shower and wipe on the toilet.”

Everything he said was shocking and made her head spin. However, after four months of not being permitted to wash her own body or wipe herself after using the toilet, it sounded like heaven.