“Yep. My parents actually came here from Italy before I was born.”
“And, uh, Santo? He’s Italian, too? I assume he’s sort of a mafia boss?”
Stefano hesitated. “Yes, and yes.”
“Are you in the mafia as well?”
“No,” he responded sharply.
“But you worked for him for many years.” She was confused. He also hadn’t been using his real name.
“I did. I had my reasons. I’ll tell you about them another day.” He turned on the dishwasher, swept her off the counter, and carried her to the bedroom. “How about you shower, and then I’ll look at those welts again.”
“I think they’re fine now. They stopped burning. They will fade soon.”
“Good. I just want to make sure. I don’t want them getting infected.”
She nodded, wondering if he was using the lines on her body as an excuse to see her naked, a possibility that didn’t hurt her feelings in the least. She liked it when he looked at her. Every time he did, it erased another chunk of what she’d been subjected to for months.
He led her into the bathroom and turned on the shower before turning back to her. “Looks like everything we could need is in here. I’ll go unpack the rest of our things while you shower.”
She grabbed his hand as panic seeped in. She hated the panic, but there was no way to stop it. “Please stay.”
He swallowed. “I’m trying to give you some privacy.”
“I don’t want privacy. I feel like half the men on this planet have seen my naked body thousands of times. I’ve lost my modesty. I get scared when I’m alone. Plus, I like the way you look at me. It erases the others.”
He lowered onto the toilet seat and took her hips, pulling her between his legs. “Your body is perfection, and I’d gladly spend the rest of my life looking at it, but I don’t want you to feel pressured by me, nor do I want to make you uncomfortable.”
She set her hands on his shoulders and leaned in closer to him. “I’m not uncomfortable with you, and I don’t feel pressured. I feel like a human being when I’m with you instead of an object.”
His hands slid around to her bottom. “Tell me why you think so many people have seen you naked,” he encouraged softly.
“Because Master J filmed us all the time, and he took millions of pictures, especially when we were spread open. He told us he posted pictures and videos on the internet.” She shuddered.
Stefano’s jaw tightened, and then his nostrils flared, though she knew he was trying to control his reaction. “The only people who will see you naked from now on are me and any medically necessary doctors.”
She set her forehead against his. “I like that idea,” she whispered.
“I forgot to ask you about feminine products when I placed the grocery order. When was your last period? Do you need pads or tampons soon?”
Her face heated, and she lowered her gaze. She’d never discussed her period with anyone, let alone a man.
Stefano lifted her chin. “Don’t be embarrassed. Menstruation is part of life. We all gotta pee. We all gotta shit. And women bleed once a month. No reason to hide these facts or be embarrassed, sweetheart.”
She drew in a breath. “Master J made us get a birth control shot every three months. It would have worn off by now. I haven’t, uh, started my period yet, but I probably will soon.”
“Okay, I’ll order whatever you want tomorrow. Do you prefer pads or tampons?”
Damn, he was unflappable on this subject and shockingly matter-of-fact about it. “I’ve never used tampons,” she whispered. “My mother didn’t buy them. But I’d like to try them.”
“Then we’ll order both, just in case.” He set her back a few inches. “Time to get in the shower before the water is cold. Arms up.”
Before she could grasp his intention, he’d swept her shirt over her head. He bent down to remove her pants next. Socks went last before he spun her around and patted her butt. “Get in.”
She pulled the band out of her braid before she stepped into the glass enclosure, keeping an eye on him. “You’ll stay, right?”
“Yes, sweetheart. I won’t move.”