Page 24 of Lily

“Okay,” she murmured. She needed to trust him. She had no other choices, and he’d always treated her like spun gold.

“Do you want me to leave you so you can wash?”

She shook her head. “I took a shower a few hours ago. The soak was nice, though. I can get out now.”

Stefano stuck a hand down into the water and pulled the stopper before standing and helping her to her feet. He opened the cabinet under the sink, grabbed a towel, and patted her body with so much care. “I don’t want to hurt you. I know these welts must burn.”

She grabbed his wrist when he came around to her front, tipped her head back, and looked at him. “Worse things have happened to me, Stefano. These will fade in a few days. They are only going to be annoying because they are on the front and the back. It’s difficult to get comfortable. I have to lie on my side. But by tomorrow night, they won’t hurt as much.”

He drew in breath. “My brave, brave girl.” He opened the linen closet, took out a first aid kit, and rummaged in it until he found what he wanted. “This will help.”

After sitting on the toilet seat again, he opened the tube of ointment and squeezed a generous amount on his finger. With furrowed brows, he guided her closer. “Do you mind me touching you, sweetheart?”

She shook her head. Her cheeks heated again. She found herself craving his touch. It would be kind and gentle. She hadn’t known kind and gentle for a long time.

He lifted her left arm and dabbed the ointment on the welt above her breasts, starting almost under her armpit. “Your arms were lifted when he struck you, weren’t they?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

He pursed his lips as he carefully applied the ointment along the tops of her breasts and around to under the other arm. Next, he squeezed more onto his finger and bent to do the welt that had landed on the underside of her breasts.

She held her breath. His face was so close to her nipples, and yet he made no comment about how odd this was.

“Thank you. That feels better already,” she said when he finished.

“Good. Turn around for me.”

She faced away from him, swaying a bit. Her adrenaline was crashing.

“I’ll be quick, sweetheart.” He started with the welt above her knees and worked his way up to the one on the top of her ass. He was so clinical that it didn’t seem weird.

“Thank you,” she repeated softly.

He rose, took her hand, and guided her out of the bathroom. “Do you need anything to eat or drink, sweetheart?”


He led her to the bed, pulled back the sheets, and patted the mattress. “Climb in.”

“I’ll get this ointment on your sheets.”

He cupped her face again. “Sweetheart, I don’t give a fuck if you get ointment or nail polish on my sheets. Would you like me to get you a T-shirt?”

She shook her head. “Only if you want to protect your sheets.”

He chuckled. “Get in.”

She carefully climbed up onto his bed. The mattress was softer than any she’d ever slept on. So were the sheets. “I’m so tired, but I’m not sure I can sleep. I’m scared. What if this was all a dream?”

He sat on the edge of the bed and carefully lifted the top sheet and blanket over her. “It’s real. I’ve got you.”

She grabbed his hand. “Don’t leave me.”


“Will you lie down with me?”

“For a while.” He extended himself on top of the blanket, faced her, and stroked the back of her head. “I want you to rest as much as you can. I’m going to pack some things, make arrangements, and find a cabin. I’d like to leave here before dawn.”