“Are you planning to come to work tomorrow?” Eve asks me.
“Yeah. I can’t justify staying home. I’m fine. My apartment is even fine. We can’t go back in it yet, but it will be fine.”
“That’s good news. What about your father? You’ve been so stressed about his death.”
I nod and draw in a breath. “His partner and son are hounding me about the will. I refuse to listen to their messages. Brett is going to look into it. I’m so grateful. Oh, he got me a new phone, too. I’ll text you the number.”
“Oh, that’s a good idea. Is it so you don’t have to keep dealing with the incoming calls?”
Eve smiles broadly. “Brett is a great man and an amazing Daddy. I’ve been hoping for a long time he would meet the perfect Little. You may be a bit blindsided, but I’m so happy for both of you. I’m sure he’ll deal with your father’s partner and eliminate that stress from your life.”
I glance around her playroom. Time for a lighter subject of conversation. “Show me your favorite toys.”
“Time to go, Little lamb.”
I turn my head at the sound of Brett’s voice. He’s standing in the doorway with Colt. Both men are staring at us indulgently.
“He’s right, baby,” Colt says to Eve. “It’s bath time and bedtime.”
Eve groans. “But, Daddy…”
I giggle. It should be surreal listening to her interact with Colt this way, but after the last hour of playing games with her, I’ve slipped into the same Little space she occupies. We’ve had more fun than I can remember having in years.
Being Little is freeing. It’s liberating in a way. I tuned out the real world and all of its trials and spent time just…playing. As an added bonus, I’ve realized when I’m in my Little headspace, I don’t have to worry about a single thing, not even the time, because Brett will let me know when it’s time to step back into my other shoes.
And he’s doing so now. He’s grinning, but Colt is not. Colt has a brow lifted. “Watch your tone, Evelyn. Do you need me to discipline you in front of Lacy?”
I gasp when he calls her Evelyn. No one calls her that. I bet it’s what he calls her when she’s naughty.
“No, Sir.” She quickly starts putting our game pieces back in the box.
I help her, but I keep glancing at Colt and Brett.
When we’re done, Colt gives one of Eve’s pigtails a playful tug. “Good girl. Let’s walk Lacy to the front door.”
At the door, we hug each other. It’s going to be so weird seeing her tomorrow at work. I’m already nervous about it.
Brett hands me my car keys. “Drive safely. I’ll be right behind you.”
As soon as I’m behind the wheel, I draw in a deep breath. I’m alone again for the first time in hours. I’m in my car. I need to switch gears so I can drive. I’ve got this. I can do it.
I drive on autopilot and take the spot on the other side of Brett’s garage. As soon as he shuts the garage door, I feel myself sliding back into my Little space. It’s like an outside force is controlling me.
It’s powerful.
I let Brett help me into the house. I don’t complain or say a word as he guides me to the master bathroom, where he undresses me and helps me into the tub. He doesn’t get in with me this time. Instead, he sits on the outside and washes me.
When he’s done, he dries me off, pulls a soft cotton nightgown over my head, and hands me my toothbrush. “Brush your teeth, use the potty, and meet me in the bedroom, okay?” He lifts my chin.
“Yes, Sir.” At least he doesn’t squat down next to me while I pee. Small blessings.
I make quick work and meet him back in the bedroom, where he pats the mattress. “Let’s get you tucked in. You’ve had a long day, and work comes early.”
I’m not even sure what time it is, but I’m exhausted. I don’t care. His bed looks inviting. I’m glad he meant it when he said I would be sleeping with him from now on. I’d much rather be in his bed than alone in the guest room.
Was that just last night? It’s so hard to fathom.