She shrugs. “I don’t know. They evacuated the building. It started in the basement. Most of the damage is probably from smoke. I assume we’ll be able to go back in and retrieve things, but for now, the building is off-limits until the fire department can ensure it’s structurally sound.”
“Were you home?” I ask, wondering how scared she might have been.
She shakes her head. “No. I was at the grocery store.” She taps the purse resting crosswise over her chest. “This is all I have with me.” Her lips tremble. She’s close to tears, which is understandable and fine. I’m not the sort of man who minds if someone cries.
I wrap an arm around her and pull her into my side. As I rub her back, she starts to cry. “It’s okay. Let it out. I’m sure you’re stressed. Eve told me about your father. I’m so sorry for your loss.” No matter how she might have felt about the man, I can express my condolences.
She covers her face with both hands as she leans against my chest, crying harder. I’m pretty sure my reminder was no help, but I couldn’t exactly sit here and not bring up her father’s death. It would have been insensitive.
“Lacy…” Eve has arrived. Her hair is in a single ponytail. She’s wearing yoga pants and a tank top, which looks like it has a shelf bra. She sits on the other side of Lacy and wraps an arm around her underneath mine. “Colton said there was a fire in your building. Was it bad?”
Lacy draws a deep breath and pulls away from me to turn toward her friend. “I don’t think so. I don’t know yet.”
I kind of hate that she’s no longer leaning into me, as irrational as that is. I keep a hand on her back, rubbing gently. I hate that she’s been hurting, and now her pain is compounded. No matter what the outcome of the fire ends up being, right now, she’s shaken and vulnerable.
“Well, you’ll stay here, of course, until they get it sorted out.”
I lift my gaze to meet Eve’s over the top of Lacy’s slumped body and then shift my attention to Colt. It’s not my place to interject. It’s probably a bad idea. I should shut my fucking mouth. But that’s not what happens. Instead, I clear my throat. “Your guest room is a disaster,” I point out. It’s true. They removed all the furniture a week ago and had it painted yesterday. “No one could sleep in there with the paint fumes if they wanted to. She can stay with me. I have plenty of room.”
God, I hope I don’t regret this decision. I might be out of my mind. You don’t date vanilla women. Of course, I’m not dating Lacy either. I’m just offering her a place to stay. A logical solution to a housing problem. The friendly thing to do.
Colt’s brows lift as he stares at me.
I return his stare with a hard, unblinking one.
We both know Eve will have a rough evening if she isn’t able to spend more time in her Little space. And I’m right about the guest room.
Colt runs a hand through his hair. “You sure?” he mouths silently.
I nod.
Lacy glances at me. “I can’t impose on you. I’ll just get a hotel room.”
“Not a chance,” Eve interjects. “You shouldn’t be alone. You’ve had a rough few weeks. I’ll pack up some clothes for you. We’re almost the same size. And I’ll let Mr. Heart and Mr. Earnest know you won’t be into work tomorrow. They’ll understand.”
One thing I know is that the owners of Eve and Lacy’s accounting firm are good men. They stood by Eve when she was being stalked and never wavered in their support.
“It’s settled,” I declare.
“Have you eaten?” Eve asks.
Lacy shakes her head. “I don’t think I can. I’m too frazzled right now.”
“We have mac and cheese,” she says with a smile.
Lacy manages to chuckle. “You and your mac and cheese.”
“Hey, don’t diss the mac and cheese. It’s not like it comes from a box. Colt makes it from scratch. It’s delicious.”
Lacy shakes her head. “I’m sure it is, but I’ll pass for now.” She slumps back against the couch, leaving me and Eve sitting up straighter while staring at her from both sides. She’s looking at her lap and picking on imaginary lint at the hem of her shirt.
She’s wearing workout clothes, and her hair is up in a thick, brown, wavy ponytail. She sighs. “I was at the gym before the store. I need a shower, and I don’t have any fucking clothes.”
I startle slightly at her curse word. She’s certainly entitled to an entire string of cuss words after the evening and, apparently, few weeks she’s had. I shouldn’t be shocked, but the word still sounds odd coming from her. I don’t think I’ve heard her cuss before. I doubt she does so ordinarily.
Eve stands. “Let me grab you some things.” She squeezes Lacy’s hands and leans over to hug her before rushing from the room.
Colt sits on the coffee table in front of Lacy. “Is there anything else we can do, Lacy?”