Page 29 of Impressing Brett

I’m glad I took care of that first because my blood starts boiling when I switch to her second pressing problem. Lacy gave me her password before I left her in the playroom. I do not like the tone of voice or the words from either Max II or Max III. I look them up online, too. They have the look, sound, and feel of sleazy lawyers operating barely above the law. I looked up her father too. Jonathan Harlow. He was no better than his partner.

The phone messages are just shy of threatening. The texts are not much better. I’m glad she hasn’t read this recent bunch. I will encourage her not to. There’s no need. I’ve seen and heard it all. The question is, what are those two up to, and why?

When I head upstairs and step into the playroom, all the breath leaves my lungs, and my frustration evaporates. My God, she is precious. She’s on her knees with her back to me, playing with the dollhouse. She has even brought a pillow over from the bed to protect her knees.

I can’t resist leaning on the doorframe to watch her for a few minutes, not wanting to interrupt her. She’s speaking softly, using multiple voices for the various members of the family.

I can’t believe this time yesterday I had no idea Lacy was Little or that she could ever be mine. She didn’t either.

There is no doubt now, though. She is mine.

“Hey, Little lamb,” I say softly as I step farther into the room.

She turns her head to look over her shoulder at me. She’s smiling from ear to ear. She has two of the small people in her hands and shows them to me. “I named them,” she declares.

I squat next to her. “Oh, good. They would be super strange without names.” I rub her back. “What did you name them?”

“The mom is Virginia. The dad is Julio. They have two kids, but they’re also in an age-play relationship. Julio is Virginia’s Daddy, but they don’t play in front of the kids. They only do it in their bedroom after the kids are in bed.”

My chest is tight listening to her. I want to yank her off her knees, flatten her to the floor, and kiss the sense out of her. But I don’t. “That sounds perfect. I’m sure there are lots of adults who have kids and keep their age play private.”

She turns back to face the house, standing the Daddy next to the bed and laying the mom/Little girl on her stomach on the mattress as if she’s about to get a spanking. “That’s what I would do,” Lacy murmurs. “If I had kids.”

Does she want kids? It’s way too soon to broach that subject, but the thought of Lacy round with my child nearly knocks me on my ass. This is happening so fast. And that doesn’t bother me at all because I know it’s right.

She’s mine.

She’s mine.

She’s mine.

“Can you leave the two of them for a while to come eat lunch?”

She turns toward me. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl,” I say as I rise to my feet and take her hand. “You can play again later if there’s time.”

“Okay.” She takes my hand without argument.

When we reach the kitchen, she doesn’t flinch as I lift her onto the bar stool. Nor does she balk when I give her a sippy cup of water. Nor does she hesitate when I hand her a sandwich cut into triangles with the crusts removed.

In fact, she smiles at me for a long time before digging into her food.

I wait until she’s finished before I turn my stool to face her more fully. I take her hand in mine. “So, I made some calls while you were playing.”

She nods, her expression serious. I can almost see the gears turning as she shifts out of her Little space, which I hate. But it can’t be helped.

“I know a guy at the fire department. He won’t let you into your building, but he will take me in so I can get some of your things.”

She lights up, her eyes going wide. “Really?”

“Yep. Make me a list of what you want, and I’ll fill a bag. Not more than I can carry, mind you.”

“I’ll be happy if you at least are able to verify that everything is okay. Plus, retrieve my special things, of course.”

“I promise to find all your special things.”

She tugs her hand free of mine so she can clap. Then she sticks out her bottom lip. “Did you listen to the messages on my phone?”