Page 27 of Impressing Brett

“And he never contacted you again?”

I shrug. “He tried to stop me at the door. I do think I shocked him, but I didn’t even care if he took it all back by that point. It didn’t matter. He was a shitty father for most of my life. He might not have beaten me, but he didn’t love me either.”

Brett rubs my back. His expression is drawn and sorrowful. “I’m so sorry, Little lamb.”

I look around the room, feeling raw and open, so I tell him more. “Three days after my mother died, my father marched into my bedroom, gathered all my childhood possessions, tossed them into a black trash bag, and donated everything to charity.”

Brett stiffens. His teeth are gritted. He’s as angry as I’ve ever seen him.

I keep going, sticking to the facts. “I was sitting in the back of my closet with my favorite dolls. I missed my mother so much. I had no one to hug me or tell me everything would be all right. I wasn’t going to be all right. Ever.”

“Oh, baby…”

“My father never found those dolls. I kept them hidden. I took them with me to college. I left my house with them that day when I was twenty-two. They are all I have from my mother.” I suck back a sob, but I’m not successful. Tears fall. “I hope they’re safe in my apartment. I’ll be devastated if anything happened to them.” I wring my hands together as I let this worry penetrate for the hundredth time since I drove to my apartment building.

“I’ll make some calls, Little lamb. I promise I’ll do what I can to get them. I bet you were sad without them last night.”

I nod, tears running silently down my cheeks. I reach to swipe them away, not wanting to cry on him yet again.

Daddy… My God, is he really my Daddy? He pulls me closer and holds me so tight. He kisses my head over and over. “Let it go, sweet Little lamb. You’ve held so much inside you all alone for so long. Let it go.”

So, I cry for the millionth time, and when I finally suck back the last sniffles, he grabs a few tissues and wipes my tears away. He sets me on my feet and leads me to the closet next. After shuffling through the hangers, he picks up a pale pink, long-sleeved dress and holds it up. It has matching leggings folded under it on the hanger. “How about this one?”

I can’t help my smile. My face is swollen, and my eyes are still teary, but somehow, Daddy knows just how to make me feel better.

I reach out and touch the soft cotton fabric. It’s perfect. The kind of dress I would have worn when I was a young girl but in my adult size.

He taps my nose. “Why don’t you go use the potty? I’ll join you in a minute.”

Join me?

I reach for the hanger, but Daddy holds it out of reach. “Daddy will dress you. Go potty first.”

My heart races as I stare at him. He’s going to dress me? At least he’s not going to watch me pee. As this realization dawns, I turn and run from the room. I certainly want to be done peeing before he comes into the bathroom.

“No running in the house, Little lamb,” he calls after me.

I swear my nipples get hard at his words. His rules make me horny. Why?

I hurry to use the toilet and wash my hands before he enters the bathroom. He doesn’t even knock. I’m not surprised. “I can dress myself,” I tell him as I dry my hands on the pretty pink towel.

He tips my chin back with a finger and meets my gaze. “When you’re Little, I want you to let Daddy do most things for you. Try it. I bet you’ll find it refreshing.”

He’s going to see me naked. I guess he’s already seen most of me. He’s also had his finger inside me. Why should I feel bashful about him seeing the rest of me? I certainly hope he intends to “show me his” too sometime soon. “Okay.”

He tucks my new clothes under his arm and reaches for my toothbrush first, putting paste on it before holding it out. “Do you want Daddy to do it?”

I shake my head. “I can do it.” I take it from him and lean over the sink to brush my teeth. When I’m done, I face him again.

He grabs the hem of my T-shirt. “Arms up, Little lamb.”

Goosebumps rise all over my body as I do as I’m told. This is it. We’re doing this. I’m letting a man Daddy me in a way I never knew existed except in my head. Not just any man. A man I’ve been attracted to for a long time. A man I never expected to be in a relationship with.

When my shirt is gone, I cover my breasts with my hands.

Daddy sits on the toilet seat and turns me to face him. He meets my gaze levelly. “Don’t hide your body from Daddy, Little lamb.”

I flush.