Page 76 of Impressing Brett

“I can practically see your mind spinning,” Daddy says as the elevator doors close.

“You cannot, Daddy,” I protest, threading our fingers together. “That’s silly.” I’m already sliding into my Little. All I want to do for the rest of the day is be Little. And have sex. I want to have sex, too.

He grunts.

I can’t resist saying something, though. “Do you think Mr. Wakefield is a Daddy?”

He smirks. “I knew you were plotting a match.”

I shrug. “I’m not plotting anything. It’s just an observation.”

He lifts our combined hands to his lips and kisses my knuckles. “And what was your observation, Little lamb?”

“That Mr. Wakefield needs a Little, specifically the woman working for him. Did you see how he looked at her? And why would the owner of the company be dealing with a new hire or an intern if he didn’t have to? They have people to train new employees. He acted like he was her immediate boss. Maybe he’s sleeping with her.” I gasp and look up at Daddy. “Do you think he’s sleeping with her?”

Daddy laughs and puts a hand over my mouth to stop my chatter. “I think your imagination is overactive, and we need to find something else to occupy your mind.”

“Like what?” I ask as the elevator doors open. “How about ice cream? Could we stop for ice cream?” I almost skip along beside him as we leave the building. I want to. I have to stop myself so people don’t stare. Sometimes when I’m Little, I get so caught up I don’t care who sees me. I’ve changed a lot in the past month.

“Hmmm.” Daddy ponders my idea. “I guess you have been a pretty good girl. After all, you just donated a large sum of money to fund helping other people. I can’t exactly spank you for that.”

I giggle now that we’re outside. “I bet you can spank me for something else. But can we get ice cream first?”

He chuckles. “Yes, Little lamb. We can get ice cream first.”

I know why I’m suddenly so very Little so fast. It’s because that stupid money was weighing on me for weeks. I feel lighter now that the decision has been made. I’m giving it to Black Blade Protection. It feels right. It feels like the best decision I’ve ever made.

Daddy opens the car door where he parked at a meter on the street, turns, and lifts me into his SUV before buckling me. He kisses me soundly on the lips. “You’re in a good mood,” he murmurs.

I shrug. “I’m happy.”

He kisses me again and backs out of the SUV to shut the door.

I should have told him I love him. Right then. Right when I said I was happy. Why didn’t I? He told me he loves me once. Just the one time, though. I think he’s waiting for me to say it before he says it again.

I will. I promise myself I will today. I’ll find just the right moment and tell him. Hell, I’m living with him. I’ve even given up my apartment and moved in, officially. He does everything for me when we’re at home. He cooks for me, bathes me, tucks me into bed, reads me stories. Sometimes, he even feeds me because he knows I like it.

Daddy drives toward his house and stops at an ice cream parlor a few minutes before we reach home. “Drive-thru, okay?” he asks.

“Yes.” I nod. The drive-thru is better because I’m in full Little mode, and I’d rather not back out of it to adult in an ice cream parlor.

“What would you like, Little lamb?”

“A strawberry cone,” I declare.

“One strawberry cone, coming right up.”

After he orders my cone and two scoops in a cup for himself, he drives us home.

I’m eating the cone as fast as I can, but it still drips down my fingers.

Daddy parks in the garage, turns off the engine, and comes around to help me to my feet. “You’re all sticky, Little lamb.” He kisses my fingers where they’re wrapped around the dripping cone and licks his lips.

When we get inside, he puts his ice cream in the fridge before lifting me onto the island. He’s grinning. “How can one Little girl make such a mess from an ice cream cone?”

I shrug as I try to eat it faster, but it gives me a brain freeze.

The ice cream is running down my forearm before I manage to eat the last bite.