I nod. “Thank you.” For so many things. It was huge of them to share their story with me.
Brett speaks again. “You know I work for Black Blade Protection. My boss has a lot of men working on Lacy’s case. It’s possible we’ll have to travel to Indiana. She’ll keep you posted.”
Devon nods his understanding. “Take the time you need, Lacy. We understand. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. If you need to take some time off, do so. Your job will be here when you get back.”
I don’t want to cry in front of them, so I don’t even attempt to speak. All I can do is nod as Brett stands and guides me to do the same.
Devon and Rick stand, too. The three men shake hands, and we leave.
Brett threads our fingers together and holds me close all the way to the elevator and inside it, too.
I don’t take a full breath until we step outside. It’s like I couldn’t get enough oxygen. I feel lightheaded and exhausted.
He guides me to his SUV. “You need food, Lacy. You’re about to pass out.”
I nod as he helps me into the car. I know he’s right. I just don’t see how I’m going to swallow.
“How about if I go through the drive-thru of a deli? We can pick up sandwiches and soups.”
“Okay.” I ride to the deli and back to the hotel staring out the window. Numb. I have so many questions. I can’t even begin to know where to start. My brain is on overload.
“Sit, baby,” Brett orders when we’re back in the room. He points at the loveseat. After setting the bags of food on the coffee table, he pulls it closer to us and sits next to me. He unzips my jacket and takes it off.
I finally snap out of it as he’s tugging the sleeves down my arms. I swat at him. “I can do it.” I shouldn’t be letting him Daddy me. He’s getting the wrong idea.
He doesn’t say a word as I shrug out of my jacket and toss it over the arm of the loveseat.
His phone rings, and he stands as he takes the call. “Spike here.”
I watch him as he wanders to the window. He says nothing else. He listens for a long time. Eventually, he says, “Okay. Yes. Thank you.” He ends the call and stares out the window for a few moments before turning around.
The bag of food is sitting unopened on the coffee table, and I suspect it’s going to remain there. I stand. “Tell me,” I insist.
Chapter 17
* * *
“Spike here,” I say as I take the incoming call from Blade. I’m not surprised he’s calling, but I doubt Lacy needs to hear whatever he has to say right this moment. She’s practically catatonic.
She’s in shock. It’s understandable. I can almost see her mind spinning. She’s going to insist she doesn’t want to be Little anymore because she’s afraid of getting caught and ridiculed.
I had no idea her bosses were Rick and Devon from Surrender. Obviously, Eve knew, but it wasn’t her place to share their secret. I couldn’t hold back my gasp as we exited the elevator. I’m sure Lacy noticed. Luckily, I didn’t have to continue to keep that secret.
Even hearing Rick and Devon reassure Lacy that they would not look at any pictures if they were to show up, that they don’t care what her kinks are, and that they would never let her preferences reflect on her job performance, she still has her heels dug in.
Blade jumps right in. “I assume you’re with Lacy, and I’ll let you decide when and how to share this with her. I spoke with a private investigator last night, Kane Scott. Luckily, he had a connection in that area in Indiana. I’ve seen the will.”
I don’t even ask how the fuck this is possible. I’m sure I don’t want to know. That’s immaterial. I wait for him to continue. I don’t want to react.
“It’s as we suspected. The will was never updated. Even though Lacy’s father threatened to cut her out, he did not. He never changed it. It’s possible his partner is just as stunned as Lacy. He needs that money. Turns out, he’s in debt up to his eyeballs. So is his son. They’ve been pretending everything was okay for a long time when, really, they spend weekends gambling away their money. Horse races put them over the edge a few years ago. They’re desperate.”
What did you really die of, Jonathan Harlow?
Blade continues. “I know your mind.” He chuckles. “I’m asking the same questions. Did her father really have a heart attack like the coroner’s report indicates? I’ve seen it. I have my doubts. And who paid the coroner to lie if that wasn’t the cause of death?”
Yep. Those are my exact questions.